Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 04, 2017: Coolness

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 04, 2017: Coolness

Maintaining a state of inner calmness protects me from becoming a slave to my emotions. It also helps me to keep a cool head when I see others becoming heated or angry. Coolness is not to be distant or uncaring; rather it requires that I develop the deeply caring nature of a peacemaker and serve others in the best possible way.

Check And Change (Part 1)

We all live our lives from morning till night without ever reflecting on what actions of ours go in the wrong direction and what actions are right and accurate. There was once a businessman who lived his life and his every day’s routine making a lot of mistakes and he never thought where he was going wrong. Life was just a fast line of actions for him, where even wrong actions were allowed because it was part of his business. They say, first think, then speak. First think, then act. But for many of us, it is first speak, then think or first act, then think i.e. first we perform the action and then reflect on it or think about it. It becomes very difficult for us when we do not check our actions and change them. In fact, we should check and change our thoughts first. Then, automatically our words and actions will get changed. That is the first step. 

So, just like the businessman, a lot of people are not sensitive enough to think as to why they should not perform negative actions and if they do perform the actions by mistake, as some of us do, they will not be sensitive enough to realize that they have to correct the negative actions and not perform them again which is only called – check and change in spiritual language. Life is short and we cannot afford to go after one action and another without using our intellect carefully. So, plant the seeds of good actions in the fields of life and the results of such actions will always be good in a way that is extremely natural and a law of life. A farmer also will check the quality of seeds that he is using in his physical field and bringing up into a crop. The same principle applies to life.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Become Attractive

If my friends and relatives do not choose to accompany me on my spiritual path, why should I chase after them trying to get them to change?

They won't listen to me anyway, no matter what I say. A better approach is to focus on my own change process. 

A river doesn't need to urge people into drinking its water. People are naturally drawn to it, provided its waters are pure, free flowing and sweet.

In the same way become so attractive through your spiritual efforts that everyone will want to join you naturally.

Message for the day

To have the light of knowledge is to have the ability to finish darkness. 

Thought to Ponder:  When I have the light of knowledge about something I need to be able to put it into practice. Knowledge then helps me to finish negativity. If knowledge is not finishing my negativity, I need to check if I am understanding things accurately. Knowledge also means that I need to understand if I have the power to transform too. So, I do all that it takes to bring about transformation. 

Point to Practice: Today I will take up something that I am bothered with and work on it. i will see what point of knowledge I need to use to make it possible to change that negative into positive. I will bring out all those points of understanding and practice, which will help me to overcome that negativity. This will help me get the courage and also give me the determination to do the needful. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 03, 2017: Perceive Positively

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 03, 2017: Perceive Positively

Perceive Positively

True self-awareness, plus the ability to choose our perceptions of life, the universe and everything, is the basis of free will. Every situation and scene in front of us has so many possibilities in terms of how we perceive and interpret. If someone is 10% selfish and 90% generous what should we focus on, what should we perceive first within them? Most of us are now well trained to perceive and focus on the negative, the selfishness in others, and to follow it quickly with accusation and judgement. We forget that what we perceive is what we empower within another and, more importantly what we perceive is what we empower within ourselves in that moment. And what we choose to see is usually what we get. So how important is it that we choose to perceive only the best, the highest, the greatest in another, even if it's only a half a percent? Bosses and parents - take note!! Don't forget - your perception is your reality. Your perception is what you project. And what you project is what comes back!
Becoming Aware Of What Is Ego

All of us are familiar, to different extents, with the emotion of ego. All of us don’t even define it in the same way. We are also aware to different extents, about the negative repercussions (effects) of the emotion of ego on us and on others. Depending on how aware we are about the effects, we work to eradicate the emotion from our daily lives, so that it neither disturbs us nor others. Some of us even consider it a positive emotion and feel it contributes positively to our personal and professional progress. To be aware completely of the negative effects of ego and to realize clearly whether it is a positive emotion or not in the first place, it is important to first become aware of what it is exactly. So, how can we define ego?

Ego is attachment, inside my consciousness, to an incorrect image of myself which I then mistake for myself. When the attachment takes place, you lose your sense of identity in the image of the object of attachment which you create on the screen of your mind. That object can be something physical like your body, your physical personality, a relationship, a material possession, your status, money, a particular skill, respect from others, etc. or something non-physical like a belief; an opinion; a  mindset, a memory, a particular virtue, specialty, power or a sanskar (positive or negative), etc. Therefore ego is the self-attaching to and identifying with an image that is not the self. This process takes place entirely within our consciousness many times in the day, on the screen of the mind. E.g. When we say this is my salary package (something physical) or my opinion (something non-physical), we are (without being aware about it) creating an image of the salary package or the opinion inside our consciousness and becoming attached to it, so that we lose our self-identity in the salary package or the opinion, believing that am the salary package or the opinionSo at that time, the salary package or the opinion becomes an incorrect image of the self to which I am attached. This is ego. If while thinking, feeling or speaking about my salary package or my opinion, we do not become attached to or do not lose our self-identity in either of the two, then that is not ego.


Most of the time, there's so much going on in our lives, that we're just not fully aware of how we behave and how we affect other people.  But with a little bit of extra attention, we can become more self-aware.

Self-awareness is simply being fully aware of our perceptions, attitudes, moods and behaviour.  Don't judge what you see and don't run away from it.  Just watch, observe and accept.

This helps us to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves; where we need to grow and how we need to improve our connection with others.

Message for the day

Positive thoughts heal even the disease of the body. 
Thought to Ponder:   When I am ill, it is very easy for the mind to become ill too. I tend to have negative thoughts and suffer. These negative thoughts don't restrict themselves to that particular part of the body, but is carried forward to the entire body and the mind too. The mind which has to be the healer, becomes a victim and hence weak. At such times, it is important that my mind is strong creating a positive influence on the body.

Point to Practice: Today I will not think about my illness. When the thought does come, I will make sure I give vibrations of power and peace to that part, so that I will help it to heal. I will do everything for it to heal rather than damaging it further by having negative thoughts about it. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 02, 2017: No Problem

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 02, 2017: No Problem

No Problem
Solutions are never necessary because there are no problems, only our perception makes it seem so, and only our minds make our perceptions seem real. If there is a problem it is our perception. That is hard to see in a world that celebrates and rewards the finding and solving of ‘the problem’. When you decide that you will no longer perceive the problem, you will see only the facts or a situation. Facts are just facts and any and every situation can always be improved, unless it is in the past, then it’s just a memory, and memories are never a problem, are they? If you can cancel from the patterns of your perceptions the very idea of ‘problem’, then you will not only be a positive thinker and positive proactive actor, you will be a leader.

The Consciousness Switchover (Part 2)

Given below are few simple methods which help us in the process of rising above action or role consciousness and make the task of switching of consciousness to a spiritual one, easy.
1. Every hour, stop for a few seconds and note down in a small diary, which you carry with yourself through the day, to what extent, in the hour that has just gone by; you have maintained the light and detached awareness of yourself as a soul, a being of peaceful and blissful light, situated at the center of the forehead, playing its part through the physical body costume and the physical role costume and seeing others the same way. If you haven’t had any awareness, that’s fine: the light reminder will help you remain attentive for the next one hour period. This will over a period of time become an easy, natural and enjoyable exercise, which is very relaxing.

2. Every 2-3 hours, stop whatever you are doing for a 3-4 minutes and turn your attention within, creating an awareness and feeling of the soul, but a very deep one. Remind yourself of your spiritual relationship or your relationship on a soul level with the Father of the soul, the Supreme Being or God. Experience the relationship. At centres of the Brahma Kumaris and even at their homes and workplaces, the members of the Brahma Kumaris around the world, follow this exercise. Where it’s feasible, music is played at these times to make the break effective and soothing. This exercise is called traffic control, because the peace experienced in this exercise helps you become aware of the traffic of your thoughts and slow it down, reducing the risk of accidents that are caused due to internal mental clashes as well as clashes with the variety sanskaras or personality traits of people whom you come in contact with.

3. Every time you eat or drink something i.e. you nourish the body, along with that sustain the soul with spiritual thoughts, above the mundane or ordinary. These spiritual thoughts could be based on something positive that you have read in the morning at the start of the day.

Have Faith

Trust in others wins co-operation from them. To have faith in others also means reinforcing other people's faith in themselves. This naturally increases their self-confidence and creates enthusiasm. Then they become better able to respond to positive feelings and access their full potential.

If I notice someone I work with is not co-operating with me I need to check my own faith in that person. When I am able to appreciate them for their own unique qualities, my faith in that person will grow.

Message for the day

To have a positive conversation with the self is to empower oneself. 

Thought to Ponder: Everyone is irritated with a person who nags or talks negative all the time, especially if they are really close to us. During negative situations, we too tend to nag or have continuous negative talk with ourselves. Since we are our constant companions, we tend to end up getting irritated or upset by the end of the day.

Point to Practice: Today I will talk positively to myself. I will encourage and explain to myself. I will not nag myself, but will have a positive conversation with myself. I will help myself become better by learning from my mistakes and encouraging my successes. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 01, 2017: Nurture Nature

Daily Positive Thoughts: May 01, 2017: Nurture Nature

Nurture Nature

Many a philosophical debate arrives at the bottom line - are we naturally the way we are or is it nurtured? Are we all pure in heart, but blinded by the impurities of the world? Are we all enlightened souls who have simply succumbed to illusion? Most of us have an intuitive response which seems to acknowledge that there is goodness in everyone; it's simply sometimes hard to see. As we look at ourselves maybe we even find it hard to see the good in ourselves. Perhaps we've been taught to see only the dark, the negative. Perhaps we grew up with others whose vision always landed on the negative. But who would choose to live in the darkness? Who would choose to be a negative person? Who would choose pessimism? Probably very, very few, if only we could see the choice. That's why it is essential you find the good, however small within yourself, tend to it, nurture it, nourish it - just as you would the plants in your garden. When you focus on the good, the positive within yourself, you give it life, you give it permission to grow and to be restored to your nature. The good has been there all along, simply out of your inner sight, out of your awareness. Some say 'get a life' but this is how to give a life. This is how to give life back to yourself! Or do you prefer to live in the dark?

The Consciousness Switchover (Part 1) 

While we have explained in many of our past messages what body consciousness or attachment to physicality is and how it leads to a creation of lot many different types and shades of vices or weaknesses which tend to creep into our sanskaras, thoughts, feelings, attitudes, words, actions, etc. as a result of which we lose access to our pure, positive inherent nature; another process of subtle attachment to physicality that we get drawn into regularly, which leads to the same result, but on a more subtle level, is karma or action consciousness where there is no over consciousness of the physical body but one gets so engrossed in the role one is playing that one becomes role conscious and experiences bondage and burden and mental freedom is lost. As a result our inner comfort and contentment levels drop, others tend to become discontent with us and we become discontent with them, our relationships suffer, the efficiency in our actions drop, even our physical body is affected and we don’t know the reason for the same.
Most of us will experience body consciousness once in a while but we experience karma consciousness every day, something which we don’t perceive as negative but it gives a negative result because it is a subtle form of body consciousness, which can accumulate inside us over a period of time and cross the boundaries of subtlety and take a gross form. What is a simple solution for the same? A consciousness switchover from role or karma consciousness to soul consciousness at different points in the day and then returning to playing the part of karma with a revised consciousness. The role remains the same and is to be played, the soul cannot exist without it, but the consciousness is changed.

In tomorrow’s message, we will mention a few very simple methods which help us in doing that.

True Love

Love provides the environment for everyone's growth. 
When I experience true love I can provide the right environment for people so that they can progress in their lives. 
Today I will not hold onto those I love nor expect them to do everything according to my needs, but instead will give them real support.

Message for the day

To have control on the self is to be a winner in situations 

Thought to Ponder: Situations influence me and I get carried away. This means that the reins are not in my hands and I have given them to the people outside. I, then, have no control of my feelings, thoughts, emotions, words or actions. Everything becomes a reaction to what is outside. On the other hand, if I am able to keep things in control, I am able to respond in the right way to situations, making me a winner. 

Point to Practice: Today I will remember that no one can control me, but myself. I am the master, and seated on this seat of self-sovereignty, I can give orders to myself and keep myself in control. I will not let anyone or any situation influence me or take me away from what I have to do. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 30, 2017: Simplicity

Daily Positive Thoughts: April 30, 2017: Simplicity

Simplicity is being comfortable with all the circumstances which shape our lives without worrying or making matters complicated. Simplicity gives birth to inspiration. It is the quality of the very young and of the aged. One who is simple lives from the heart.

Creating A World Of Forgiveness (Part 3)

There is a saying in India that in a home where the fire of anger exists, pots of water also dry up. Anger is a name given to a large collection of desires that exist inside the human consciousness which prevent us from forgiving. Filling the emotions inside our mind with love and pacifying the emotions of subtle desires is the second step in creating an environment of forgiveness wherever we are. Imagine a world without the numerous desires that exist in our lives - I need, I want, I own, I expect, I am right, I envy – these are subtle fires that burn up the energy of pure soul-to-soul love, that exists inside us instinctively, because we are children of God, the Supreme Soul, who is an Ocean of love.

So waking up in the morning and starting the day with a warm Good Morning to this Ocean of love and having a heart-to-heart conversation and a deep loveful communion with Him and filling myself with the deepest pure love existing in this complete Universe, is paving the way for my heart to be cleansed of the various ego-based emotions. And also for it to become moulded as a forgiving one, because the more I fill my heart with God’s love, the more I am enriched with soul-to-soul love and the more sweet and humble I become. And such a transformed me, then is able to win the hearts of each one and create an atmosphere of love and forgiveness around me.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Be a little less self-conscious

A little bit of self-consciousness is OK, isn't it?  It keeps us on our toes and best behaviour.  But when we're overly self-conscious, we often miss out on opportunities and having a good time.

So the next time you want to do something, but don't, because you don't want to make a fool of yourself, be a little less self-conscious.  Loosen up, embrace embarrassment or awkwardness and go for it.

Message for the day

To understand that I am a creator of my thoughts is to have the power to control them.

Thought to Ponder: To control thoughts after they go out of control is really difficult or almost impossible. But when I understand that I create thoughts, I can have mastery over them. From time to time, I need to remind myself of this, keep a check on my thoughts, steer and stop them whenever and wherever necessary. 

Point to Practice: Today I will take one thought, "I am the master and creator of my thoughts. So, I have the reins in my hands and can guide them how I want.". Even if any other thought comes, I can have a control over them, instead of them controlling me. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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