Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Points to Churn: October 17, 2013

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: October 17, 2013
Praise of the Father: Creator...Rudra Shiv Baba...the Point form...Trimurti Shiva...the most beloved Father...the Purifier...the Master Gardener....
Knowledge: Baba has explained that you mustn't tell anyone not to do devotion; no. You have to give them the Father's introduction for only then will the arrow strike the target.
Shiv Baba is Shri Shri. His rosary is created. Shiv Baba doesn't take rebirth. Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar also do not have to take rebirth. You become the kings of kings through Raja Yoga. That is, you know that you are also becoming the kings of those who become vicious kings. The drama repeats identically second by second. This cycle is the main thing. By knowing the cycle, you become the kings who rule the globe. In the golden age, they have knowledge of the soul. That is, when someone becomes old, he suddenly has the thought that he has to shed his old body and take a new one.
Yoga: O mind, remember Rama in the early morning hours...the Father says, now don’t remember anything else, in the time of the early morning hours, remember Me, your Father, with your mind and intellect, and your sins will be absolved. Only with the power of yoga will your soul become pure.

Recognize the Father and say "My Baba" from the heart. Don't ask for blessings but make effort to make the soul pure with the power of yoga. All of you are Sitas. You go across fire. Either you go across with the power of yoga or you will have to burn in the fire. Renounce your body and all bodily relations and remember the one most beloved Father and you will receive the prize of the sun dynasty kingdom. There will be everything - peace, purity and prosperity in that.
Dharna: Don't ask the Father for blessings or mercy. Continue to follow His directions and shrimat. Do not waste your time eating, drinking and gossiping. By imbibing the knowledge of the beginning, the middle and the end of the cycle, become the kings who rule the globe. Transform from shells to diamonds. Change human beings from being like monkeys into those who are worthy to sit in a temple. Only in Bharat was everyone completely vice less.
Service: Bharat was beautiful, now it is ugly. Do the service of making Bharat into the divine land of double-crowned kings (Rajasthan). Donate the treasures of the imperishable jewels of knowledge that you have received. Do the service of making human beings become like diamonds from shells. In order to claim the prize of the sun-dynasty kingdom, become a complete helper of the Father.
By having exhibitions, there will be great expansion in service.You should all keep 30" x 40" pictures of the tree and the Trimurti in your homes. When your friends and relatives come, explain these pictures to them. Your name will be glorified if these pictures are sent abroad. Service would then take place at a fast speed.
Points of Self Respect: The kings of kings...warriors...Brahmakumars and kumaris...Sitas...instruments...actors...invaluable...filled with power... children who are loved by the Father...

शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते!!!
विचार सागर मंथन:October 17, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : क्रियेटर... रुद्र शिबबाबा... बिन्दी रूप... त्रिमूर्ति शिव... मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप... पतित-पावन... बागवान...
ज्ञान : बाबा ने समझाया है ऐसे कभी भी किसको नहीं कहना कि भक्ति न करो । नहीं, बाप का परिचय दे समझाना है तब तीर लगेगा ।
श्री श्री शिवबाबा है,उनकी ही माला बनती है ।पुनर्जन्म शिवबाबा नहीं लेते । ब्रह्मा,विष्णु, शंकर को भी पुनर्जन्म नहीं लेना है । राजयोग से राजाओं का राजा बनते हैं अर्थात् जो विकारी राजायें हैं उनके भी हम राजा बन रहे हैं। सेकेण्ड बाई सेकेण्ड ड्रामा हुबहू रिपीट होता है । मुख्य है यह चक्र, चक्र को जानने से हम चक्रवर्ती राजा बनते हैं । सतयुग में आत्मा का ज्ञान है सो भी जब बूढ़े होते हैं तब अनायास ख्याल आता है कि यह पुराना शरीर छोड़ फिर दूसरा नया शरीर लेना है ।
योग : राम सिमर प्रभात मोरे मन .. बाप कहते हैं अभी और कुछ भी नहीं सिमरो , प्रभात के समय मन-बुद्धि से मुझ बाप को याद करो, तुम्हारे विकर्म विनाश होंगे। योगबल से ही तुम्हारी आत्मा पवित्र बनेगी ।
बाप को पहचान कर दिल से "मेरा बाबा" कहना है । आशीर्वाद नहीं मांगनी है लेकिन योगबल से आत्मा को पावन बनाने का पुरुषार्थ करना है । तुम सब सीतायें हो, आग से पार होती हो। या तो योगबल से पार होना है या तो आग में जलना पड़ेगा। देह सहित देह के सब सम्बन्धों को त्याग एक मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप को याद करो तो तुम्हें सूर्यवंशी राजधानी की प्राइज मिल जायेगी । उसमें पीस, प्योरिटी, प्रासपर्टी सब कुछ होगा ।
धारणा : बाप से आशीर्वाद या कृपा मांगनी नहीं है। उनकी राय और श्रीमत पर चलते रहना है ।
अपना समय खाने-पीने,झरमुई-झगमुई में व्यर्थ नहीं गँवाना है । चक्र के आदि-मध्य-अन्त की नॉलेज धारण कर चक्रवर्ती राजा बनना है । कौड़ी से हीरे जैसा बन, मनुष्य को बन्दर से मन्दिर लायक बनाना है । भारत में ही सम्पूर्ण निर्विकारी थे ।
सेवा : भारत गोरा था, अभी भारत काला है । श्रीमत पर भारत को दैवी डबल सिरताज राजस्थान बनाने की सेवा करो | अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का खजाना जो मिला है उसे दान करना है । कौड़ी जैसे मनुष्यों को हीरे जैसा बनाने की सेवा करनी है । बाप का पूरा मददगार बन, सूर्यवंशी राजधानी की प्राइज लेनी है |
एग्जीवीशन से बहुत सर्विस की वृद्धि होती है । 30” x 40” का झाड़ और त्रिमूर्ति के चित्रों घर पर रख मित्र-सम्बन्धी आदि को बहुत अच्छी रीति समझा ना है। विलायत में भी चित्र जायें तो नाम बाला होगा । विहंग मार्ग की सर्विस हो जाए ।
स्वमान : राजाओं का राजा... वारियर्स... ब्रह्माकुमार- कुमारियाँ... सीतायें ...निमित्त... एक्टर्स... अमूल्य... समर्थी सम्पन्न... बाप के प्यारे...
Video of Murli Essence
Song: Akhir vo din aya aaj: आखिर वह दिन आया आज.... At last the day for which we had been waiting has come.

Essence: Sweet children, at the time of the early morning hours, remember Me, your Father, with your mind and intellect. Together with that, do the service of making Bharat into the divine land of kings (Rajasthan).

Question: On what basis do you receive the prize of the sun-dynasty kingdom?

Answer: In order to claim the prize of the sun-dynasty kingdom, become a complete helper of the Father. Continue to follow shrimat. Don't ask for blessings but make effort to make the soul pure with the power of yoga. Renounce your body and all bodily relations and remember the one most beloved Father and you will receive the prize of the sun-dynasty kingdom. There will be everything – peace, purity and prosperity in that.

Song: At last the day for which we had been waiting has come.
Essence for dharna:
1. Donate the treasures of the imperishable jewels of knowledge that you have received. Do not waste your time eating, drinking and gossiping.
2. Do the service of making human beings become like diamonds from shells. Don't ask the Father for blessings or mercy. Continue to follow His directions.
Blessing: May you become filled with power and receive the vision (drishti) of love and mercy through your awareness of the consciousness of “mine”.

The children who recognise the Father and say even once from their heart “My Baba”, BapDada, the Ocean of Mercy, in return, looks at those children with multimillion-fold spiritual love. The vision of mercy and love constantly enables them to move forward. This spiritual awareness of the consciousness of“mine” becomes blessings for those children to fill themselves with such power. BapDada does not need to give them blessings through words, but every child continues to be sustained with subtle thoughts of love.

Slogan: Children who are loved by and have love for the Father cannot have love for anyone or anything else.
मुरली सार:- ``मीठे बच्चे - प्रभात के समय मन-बुद्धि से मुझ बाप को याद करो, साथ-साथ भारत को दैवी राजस्थान बनाने की सेवा करो''

प्रश्न:- सूर्यवंशी राजधानी की प्राइज़ किस आधार पर मिलती है?

उत्तर:-सूर्यवंशी राजधानी की प्राइज़ लेना है तो बाप का पूरा मददगार बनो, श्रीमत पर चलते रहो। आशीर्वाद नहीं मांगनी है लेकिन योगबल से आत्मा को पावन बनाने का पुरूषार्थ करना है। देह सहित देह के सब सम्बन्धों को त्याग एक मोस्ट बिलवेड बाप को याद करो तो तुम्हें सूर्यवंशी राजधानी की प्राइज़ मिल जायेगी। उसमें पीस, प्योरिटी, प्रासपर्टी सब कुछ होगा।

गीत:-आखिर वह दिन आया आज........

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
अविनाशी ज्ञान रत्नों का खजाना जो मिला है उसे दान करना है। अपना समय खाने-पीने, झरमुई-झगमुई में व्यर्थ नहीं गँवाना है।
कौड़ी जैसे मनुष्यों को हीरे जैसा बनाने की सेवा करनी है। बाप से आशीर्वाद या कृपा मांगनी नहीं है। उनकी राय पर चलते रहना है।

वरदान:-मेरे-पन की स्मृति से स्नेह और रहम की दृष्टि प्राप्त करने वाले समर्थी सम्पन्न भव

जो बच्चे बाप को पहचान कर दिल से एक बार भी ``मेरा बाबा'' कहते हैं तो रहम के सागर बापदादा ऐसे बच्चों को रिटर्न में पदमगुणा उसी रूहानी प्यार से देखते हैं। रहम और स्नेह की दृष्टि उन्हें सदा आगे बढ़ाती रहती है। यही रूहानी मेरे पन की स्मृति ऐसे बच्चों के लिए समर्थी भरने की आशीर्वाद बन जाती है। बापदादा को मुख से आशीर्वाद देने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती है लेकिन सूक्ष्म स्नेह के संकल्प से हर बच्चे की पालना होती रहती है।

स्लोगन:-जो बाप के प्यारे हैं, उनका अन्य किसी व्यक्ति वा वैभव से प्यार हो नहीं सकता।

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 17, 2013: Learn Meditation

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 17, 2013: Learn Meditation
Learn Meditation
Why has meditation been the core practice of all wisdom paths for over two thousand years? Because it is the most effective method to access your innate wisdom, rediscover inner peace and enhance your creative ability. Meditation restores well being, and once your being is well again, all that you do will be successful and fulfilling. But maybe you think you are OK as you are. Perhaps you feel your being is well. But is it. Do you feel tense, worried, hopeless, mentally tired, emotionally upset...ever? Then your being is not well. Your body may be OK but you, the being, is unwell. Medication is for the body, and meditation is for the soul, that's you, and for your mind. Learning how to meditate is one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself. Practicing meditation says you care about yourself. Being in meditation can touch the minds and hearts of others a thousand miles away. It actually says that you care about others too. But first...your self.
In any relationship trust is the first thing to leave and the last to
return. And if you recognize that the most important relationship is
with yourself, then perhaps it's time to start some trust building
close to home. Make and keep a promise or a commitment to yourself,
however small! Make one and keep one today, and then notice the surge
of inner power as a result. See how much more you like yourself as a
result. Trust is being built.
The Spiritual Sculptor And The Piece Of Art

A sculpture is a three-dimensional artwork created by an artisan, a sculptor, by shaping materials which may be hard like wood or stone or soft like clay. God or the Supreme Being also has been remembered as the spiritual sculptor. With that consciousness, I being like a rough living block of wood or stone or a plain piece of clay, place myself in his safe hands. There are three types of faith in this consciousness:-
1. the faith in the Sculptor,
2. the faith in myself
3. the faith in time.

It's my first faith, my faith in the Sculptor, in his vision of his finished work i.e. a perfect and complete me, which he foresees, waiting to emerge from my present imperfect self, that allows me place myself in his hands. His vision of perfection is so clear that knowing it, I feel I must regain my original condition. Also when I come in front of God, who is a perfect spiritual being, his love and the knowledge he gives me makes me aware of myself as a spiritual being similar to him. This awareness then reminds me of my original qualities and the spiritual beauty and perfection hidden inside me, which helps me in having the second faith, the faith in myself. I am able to trust the Sculptor, knowing that the knocks I receive will chip away at my weaknesses, and restore my truth and beauty.
Initially, I may not know myself completely or have full faith in myself, the second faith, but God, the Sculptor, knows me and has full faith in me, all the Sculptor wants me to do is to be still and patient. Being still means having complete faith in myself and him and being patient means having the third faith - the faith in time. His knowledge and power gives me the strength and courage to be still and patient i.e. strong in all three faiths while he continues his work on me. I should not move or be impatient i.e. not let any of my faiths waiver, otherwise I will not become perfect. There is a vast difference between how God sees me, and how I am at the present moment. Holding the vision that God has of me, I have to just surrender my mind to the Spiritual Sculptor and keep myself in his hands. When I do that, the thoughts inside my mind get focused spiritually on him and as a result I receive his spiritual energy, which reshapes and transforms me. That which is highest and most beautiful in me begins to emerge gradually.

Soul Sustenance

The Faculties Of The Soul

When the soul is in the body it functions through three faculties (non-physical entities). Although each faculty (entity) can be given a different name, it is actually the same energy, the soul, functioning on three different levels simultaneously. These are the mind, the intellect and the sanskaras.

Mind is the thinking energy of the soul. It is the mind that imagines, thinks and forms ideas. The thought process is the basis of all emotions, desires and sensations. It is through this faculty that, in an instant, thoughts can be projected to a far off place (one can travel to a far off place on the thought level); past experiences and emotions can be relived or even the future anticipated in less than a second. It is the mind that experiences the variations of moods. The mind is an energy of the non-physical soul, not to be confused with the heart or even the brain.

(To be continued tomorrow …)

Message for the day

As is our thought, so we will become.

Projection: When we are faced with our weaknesses, we usually think of our own negativity and are caught up with it. We can no longer think positive and we continue to work with our own weaknesses. We will, then, find no improvement in ourselves.

Solution: We need to create a very elevated thought for ourselves based on any of our strengths or specialities. When we do that we will be able to bring about a positive change in ourselves without being caught up with our own weaknesses.

Points to Churn: October 16, 2013

Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: October 16, 2013
Praise of the Father: The Mother and Father from beyond this world...Rama, the Supreme Father the Supreme Soul...the Purifier...the Unlimited Father...the Lord of the Poor...the Incorporeal Shiv Baba...
Knowledge: Ram has gone and Ravan has gone... However many Brahmins there are, there will be that many deities there. There will just be Bharat and there won't be any other religions. There will just be the sun dynasty; there won't even be the moon dynasty. The sun dynasty can be called gods and goddesses because they are perfect.
In the golden age, Bharat was elevated, whereas now, it is corrupt. Only those who are elevated take the full 84 births and then become corrupt. Today, Shiv Baba has come and tomorrow, Shri Krishna will come. The kingdom of Rama is not called Paradise. Paradise is the kingdom of Krishna .
Yoga: Your final thoughts will lead you to your destination... Incorporeal Shiv Baba sits here and says to you souls: Remember Me! This is the spiritual pilgrimage. O souls, remember your land of peace, the land of liberation and you will receive the inheritance of heaven. The more you stay in remembrance and become pure, the more blessings you will receive from the parlokik Mother and Father. By receiving blessings you will become constantly happy. While walking and moving around, practice being bodiless. Eat food in remembrance of the one Father.
Dharna: Take blessings from the Mother and Father. Remove your intellect's yoga from worldly matters and remain a trustee. Follow shrimat and you won't perform any wrong actions; you will become elevated. Follow the codes of conduct fully and become Maryada Purushottam. Become pure and remain in the elevated company of the one Father.
Leave the pyre of lust and sit on the pyre of knowledge. Become trikaldarshi with this knowledge. Become pure from impure, elevated from corrupt, and beautiful from ugly by studying and attain salvation.
Service: It is very easy to explain knowledge using the pictures. You have to sit and explain to students from deep within. God comes to establish the golden age, so become His helpers in this task.
Points of Self Respect: The masters of heaven...trikaldarshi...the most elevated beings following the highest codes of conduct...the victorious ones...
शान्ति दिव्य फरिश्ते!!!
विचार सागर मंथन: October 16, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : पारलौकिक मात पिता... राम परमपिता परमात्मा... पतित-पावन... बेहद का बाप... गरीब निवाज़... निराकार शिवबाबा...
ज्ञान : राम गयो, रावण गयो... जितने ब्राह्मण होंगे वही फिर वहाँ देवता बनेंगे । सिर्फ भारत होगा और कोई धर्म नहीं होगा । सिर्फ सूर्यवंशी ही होंगे। चंद्रवंशी भी नहीं होंगे। सूर्यवंशी को भगवान भगवती कह सकते हैं क्योंकि वे सम्पूर्ण हैं। सतयुग में भारत श्रेष्ठाचारी था , अभी भ्रष्टाचारी है । श्रेष्ठाचारी ही 84 जन्म पूरे कर भ्रष्टाचारी बनते हैं।
आज शिवबाबा आये हैं,कल श्रीकृष्ण आयेगा । रामराज्य को बैकुंठ नहीं कहा जाता । बैकुंठ कृष्ण के राज्य को कहा जाता है ।

योग : अन्त मते सो गते । निराकार शिवबाबा आत्माओं को बैठ समझाते हैं कि आप मुझे याद करो तो मेरे पास आ जायेंगे। यह है रूहानी यात्रा । हे आत्मायें, तुम अपने शांतिधाम, निर्वाणधाम को याद करो तो स्वर्ग का वर्सा मिलेगा । जितना याद में रहेंगे, पवित्र बनेंगे उतना पारलौकिक मात-पिता की दुआयें मिलेंगी, दुआयें मिलने से तुम सदा सुखी बन जायेंगे। चलते-फिरते अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास करना है । भोजन एक बाप की याद में खाना है ।
धारणा : मात-पिता की दुआयें लेनी हैं। सबसे बुद्धियोग निकाल तुम ट्रस्टी होकर रहो, श्रीमत पर चलो तो कोई भी कुकर्म नहीं होगा। तुम श्रेष्ठ बन जायेंगे। मर्यादाओं को पूरा फॉलो कर मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम बन ना है | पवित्र बन एक बाप के श्रेष्ठ संग में रहना है |
काम चिता से उतर ज्ञान चिता पर बैठ, इस नॉलेज से त्रिकालदर्शी बन, पढ़कर पतित से पावन, भ्रष्टाचारी से श्रेष्ठाचारी,काले से गोरा बन सद्गति पानी है ।
सेवा : चित्रों पर ज्ञान समझाना बहुत सहज है। हड्डी(जिगरी) बैठ समझाना चाहिए । सतयुग की स्थापना भगवान ही आकर करते हैं। तो उनके मददगार बनना है |
स्वमान : स्वर्ग का मालिक... त्रिकालदर्शी... मर्यादा पुरुषोत्तम... विजयी...

Video of Murli Essence
Song: Le lo duaen maa baap ki...ले लो दुआएँ माँ बाप की ...Take blessings from the Mother and Father...
Essence: Sweet children, the more you stay in remembrance and become pure, the more blessings you will receive from the parlokik Mother and Father. By receiving blessings you will become constantly happy.

Question: What advice does the Father give all of you children and thereby saves you from performing wrong actions?

Answer: Baba advises you: Children, keep all the wealth and prosperity you have with you, but live as a trustee. You have been saying: O God, all of this is Yours! God gave you a son, He gave you wealth and so God now says: Remove your intellect's yoga from all of that and remain a trustee. Follow shrimat and you won't perform any wrong actions; you will become elevated.

Song: Take blessings from the Mother and Father.
Essence for dharna:
1. While walking and moving around, practise being bodiless. Eat food in remembrance of the one Father.
2. Take blessings from the Mother and Father. Remain a trustee. Don't perform any wrong actions.
Blessing: May you be a number one victorious one and become a most elevated being by following the highest code of conduct and constantly fly in the flying stage.

The sign of number one is to win in every situation. Such a soul is not defeated in anything, but is constantly victorious. If, while moving along, you are ever defeated, the reason for that is your fluctuation in following the codes of conduct. However, this confluence age is the age for becoming a highest being by following the highest code of conduct. You are not one who is simply a man or woman, but one who is the highest: constantly maintain this awareness and you will continue to be in the flying stage and not stay down below. Those who are in the flying stage are able to overcome all problems in a second.

Slogan: Remain in the elevated company of the one Father and no other company will be able to influence you.

मुरली सार:- ``मीठे बच्चे - जितना याद में रहेंगे, पवित्र बनेंगे उतना पारलौकिक मात-पिता की दुआयें मिलेंगी, दुआयें मिलने से तुम सदा सुखी बन जायेंगे।''

प्रश्न:- बाप सभी बच्चों को कौन-सी राय देकर कुकर्मों से बचाते हैं?

उत्तर:-बाबा राय देते - बच्चे, तुम्हारे पास जो भी धन-दौलत आदि है, वह सब अपने पास रखो लेकिन ट्रस्टी होकर चलो। तुम कहते आये हो हे भगवान् यह सब कुछ आपका है। भगवान् ने बच्चा दिया, धन-दौलत दिया, अब भगवान् कहते हैं इन सबसे बुद्धियोग निकाल तुम ट्रस्टी होकर रहो, श्रीमत पर चलो तो कोई भी कुकर्म नहीं होगा। तुम श्रेष्ठ बन जायेंगे।

गीत:-ले लो दुआयें माँ बाप की........

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
चलते-फिरते अशरीरी बनने का अभ्यास करना है। भोजन एक बाप की याद में खाना है।
मात-पिता की दुआयें लेनी हैं। ट्रस्टी होकर रहना है। कोई भी कुकर्म नहीं करना है।

वरदान:-मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम बन सदा उड़ती कला में उड़ने वाले नम्बरवन विजयी भव

नम्बरवन की निशानी है हर बात में विन करने वाले। किसी भी बात में हार न हो, सदा विजयी। यदि चलते-चलते कभी हार होती है तो उसका कारण है मर्यादाओं में नीचे ऊपर होना। लेकिन यह संगमयुग है मर्यादा पुरूषोत्तम बनने का युग। पुरूष नहीं, नारी नहीं लेकिन पुरूषोत्तम हैं, इसी स्मृति में सदा रहो तो उड़ती कला में जाते रहेंगे, नीचे नहीं रूकेंगे। उड़ती कला वाला सेकण्ड में सर्व समस्यायें पार कर लेगा।

स्लोगन:-एक बाप के श्रेष्ठ संग में रहो तो दूसरा कोई संग प्रभाव नहीं डाल सकता।

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 16, 2013: Good Parent

Daily Positive Thoughts: October 16, 2013: Good Parent
Good Parent

A good parent teaches the child with love and patience until the child learns. Be a good parent and teach your mind to have positive thoughts and to let go of worries. Then when your mind needs peace, it will find it.

It is easy to create new things, change places or do something
different. To sustain that sense of newness that creates enthusiasm is
more difficult. The secret of newness in life is not to do new things
constantly, but to see everything you do with new eyes, new insights
and a new perspective.
The Journey Of Time (cont.)

In yesterday's message, we had explained how the Law of Entropy works on a physical level. When the Law of Entropy is applied to spiritual energy, our virtues, to the quality our thoughts, words and actions, we can perhaps begin to see why, as individuals, we feel tired and old in virtues, irrespective of whether we are young or old physically. We can also understand why we succumb to negative thoughts, words and actions more easily than being influenced by the positive.
In fact, the entropy of our virtues i.e. the spiritual entropy has followed the same pattern as the entropy of the physical world or the physical entropy (explained yesterday) i.e. the spiritual energy or the energy of the virtues of the world has been reducing (as the world has become older and older) because it has not been renewed or re-energized from a source outside the system.
When we accept this movement from new to old, we understand the journey of time in a completely different way. As we look backwards into the journey of time, we find that although there have been very important scientific discoveries and global communication has improved immensely, which have all contributed to the give everyone an illusion of progress, everyone accepts that we are not enjoying healthier, more loving and peaceful relationships with ourselves, each other or the planet Earth. The reason for this is understood easily by applying the second law of time i.e. everything new becomes old.
At the present moment, the source from outside the world system (on a spiritual level) which is required to re-energize it and restore it to its original new stage is the Supreme Soul or God or the Spiritual Sun, who is an ocean of spiritual energy and divine values or virtues. In meditation we, as living beings, who are part of the world system, can absorb this energy or divinity from him and contribute to this process.
Soul Sustenance
Overcoming the Loss/Separation of a Loved one (cont.)

How quickly could a person get over the loss of a loved one and begin to feel fine? We have the capacity to do it the same day or the next day. But our beliefs and conditioning, our attachments and lack of will and inner capacity, prevent us from getting better rapidly and feeling fine. Independent of the kind of mourning that you have to go through, it is a matter of preventing your memories from invading your spirit, your mind and your heart. Circumscribe them, limit them and put them in their place: in the past. Yesterday has already passed.

On the level of action, now, in the present, use your time, your talents and your thoughts for creative tasks. Help your friends and other close ones. It will help you to come out of your aloneness and to relate. Share, dialogue and involve yourself in serving. With respect to your accumulated experiences, meditate to gain mastery in managing your memories. Clean out the cupboards of your inner self, so that the stored memories do not cause upsets, interference or suffering in the present moment. Meditate to accept and let go. Give thanks to the past. Learn from it. But now let go and free yourself. Live this moment in wholeness. It depends on you to create the right thought for it to be like that.
Message for the day

Where the mind is free from worry, the biggest task becomes light.

Projection: We sometimes find ourselves in such situations, which make our mind heavy. We are not able to work well in such a situation, as the smallest thing need to be done seems very big and difficult.

Solution: We need to learn the art of looking at the brighter side of things, because even the most negative thing has something positive in it. When we develop this art we will be able to be light and give our best to the task at hand. Then even the most difficult task will seem very easy.


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