Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Contemplation: Forgiveness

Contemplation: Forgiveness

Image may contain: 1 person


Rather than being quick to judge, be quick to forgive

Creator of Thoughts

The one who recognizes his innermost potential of being a creator is
always powerful. When there is this thought always in the mind,
situations don't influence negatively. On the other hand, there is the
ability to be an influence on the situations themselves. The right
kinds of thoughts, when created, create the right kind of feelings and
personality too. When I am a creator of my own thoughts, I am able to
be free from acquired influences. I am thus able to experience my
innate feelings, which brings out my innate personality too. I am able
to experience my true inner personality, however challenging the
situations may be. I experience the energy that creates to be a

Different Thought Types - cont.

We had explained Necessary Thoughts yesterday. Today we explain:

Waste Thoughts

Waste thoughts are thoughts that are produced at untimely moments that fill us with worry and anxiety when they appear in our minds. They have no constructive use. Unnecessary and useless thoughts are quick and repetitive which lead you nowhere. Often they refer to things from the past:
* If this hadn't happened ...
* Why did she have to say that to me?

Too many thoughts are about things that we cannot change, or worries about the future:
* What will happen tomorrow?
* How will it happen?
* What will I do if I find myself on my own?
* If I had been there at the time, this disaster would not have happened.
* If I had had this information at the time, I would have won the case.
* When I get the degree, I will be more respected by my superiors.

Your ability to concentrate is weakened by these useless thoughts. If you have a lot of these thoughts you use more energy and time to undertake each task. The origins of negativity also reside in them.

From the time that the past has already passed and the future is yet to come, these kinds of thoughts are not useful and they also weaken your inner strength and exhaust you. It is vital that we learn to avoid this pattern of thinking. In this way you will be more focused and your decision making capacity will improve.

(To be continued tomorrow.....)

Soul Sustenance

Meditation On Experiencing My Original Loveful Nature 

I sit in silence, letting my thoughts go away from the outer world... I allow my mind to relax... to calm down... I focus my attention on the heart of my being... My heart is like a sacred silent place where I can feel what I really am... I am peaceful and light... a loving soul... strong... secure... kind... 
I have many virtues and qualities that I can share with others... Now my attention is going towards the quality of love... I imagine love like a seed in my heart waiting to awaken... grow... and blossom... like a rose... For this, I only have to accept... believe... feel... that I am a soul full of love... child of the Ocean of Love… I am a spiritual rose flower... radiating the spiritual fragrance of love… 

Letting go of the past... letting go of expectations... fears... negative feelings... forgiving... opening my heart... feeling that it is cleansed and this energy of love is as pure as the clean water flowing from a waterfall. Nothing and nobody have touched it... this is a love that asks for nothing in exchange... the love of a clean heart is unselfish... free of ego and expectations... It makes truth and sincerity grow... acceptance and understanding... I open my heart completely to love... I inhale deeply... I visualize my heart filling itself with this energy of pure love... I exhale slowly... and I visualize radiating this light of love from the deepest part of my heart towards the world... I am a beautiful soul of light radiating peace and love... I am love... I love myself and accept myself and others...

Message for the day

True help is to appreciate the efforts of each one to improve themselves. 

Expression: Not realizing that all are making effort to bring improvement in themselves at their own level, we tend to point out people's mistakes only to prove them wrong. It is by proving them wrong that we want to prove ourselves right. This doesn't help others in any way to bring a change in them. 

Experience: We need to focus more on the potential and unique specialities of those around us, rather than on their faults. This will help us to appreciate the effort that each one is making to bring improvement in himself. Then we find that even the corrections we give are effective, as they are more for the benefit of the other person. This is the real help we can give to others. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Well being

Contemplation: Well being

Image may contain: 1 person

The more I develop the habit of noticing goodness, the more my own sense of wellbeing rises.

Inner Light

Instead of thinking about others and their weaknesses the one who is
concerned with his own self-progress is able to keep himself free from
negativity. So such a person is able to express his own inner
qualities and specialties without being coloured by the negativity of
the external situations and people. When I am focused on my own inner
progress, I am able to become as beautiful and clear as a diamond. The
sparkle of my inner light naturally spreads around and I become a
source of inspiration for those around. I appreciate what I have and
thus am also able to appreciate others' specialties too.

Different Thought Types

By understanding each one of the thoughts that the mind creates we can keep the beneficial thoughts and discard those which are useless or harmful. Today we explain:

Necessary Thoughts

Necessary thoughts are those relating to your daily routine, such as,

* What am I going to have for dinner?
* What time am I picking up the children from school?
* What is the number of my bank account?
* What have I got to do today .... etc.?

They are also thoughts connected with your profession or job. These necessary thoughts related to your daily life come into your mind according to your responsibilities and needs at a more physical, material and professional level. When these thoughts are repeated over and over again, they become unnecessary or waste thoughts.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Instruments/Tools To Perceive God 

Perhaps I have been avoiding coming close to God because of the extraordinary confusion surrounding the subject. Maybe I have just lacked the tools with which to be able to discover God. The whole universe of things going on within a tiny drop of blood can be instantly revealed by the use of a tool or an instrument like the microscope. In the same way, the secrets behind realities of the self, the non-physical, spiritual self and the reality of God remain hidden until undiscovered by the appropriate instruments or tools. With which tools or instruments then, can I perceive or experience God? Since God is non-physical, the tools would also definitely be non-physical in nature. 

That I haven't been able to understand myself is amply demonstrated by the periods of confusion and inner turmoil I go through. Sometimes I don't understand those with whom I share the same room or house, let alone my neighbors next door! The word ‘misunderstanding’ occurs frequently even in the closest of my relationships. It indicates that the quality of my mind, consciousness or even conscience hasn't been sufficiently clear to establish real rapport between myself and others. The realization and experience of God remain even further out of reach. 

There's a very specific methodology involved in firstly understanding and organizing myself, and from that, coming to terms with God. I already have the most powerful of all instruments, the energy of my own mind, to work with. The extent to which I am able to research into the subject of God-realization depends on the quality of my thoughts and feelings.

Message for the day

Success comes to the one who is able to involve others and work as a team. 

Expression: Because of having a feeling that the more the people involved, the more difficult the task becomes, we tend to avoid involving others in any task that we take up. We tend to do everything on our own, making us lose out on useful resources that we can get as others' contribution. 

Experience: As much as possible we need to involve others in such a way that they make a valuable contribution to the task that we have undertaken. We are doubly benefited with this. Firstly, we will gain from the others' resources. We also find that the good wishes of others are there for the task for which they have contributed and we find ourselves succeeding. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Intuitive Intellect

Contemplation: Intuitive Intellect

Image may contain: plant

Intuitive Intellect

Intuition is the discerning of a refined intellect. We all have the capacity for intuition, but we find it hard to cultivate and exercise this capacity as we are mostly encouraged to keep our awareness focused on the surface events and activities of life around us. Intuition is that voice of innate wisdom which can speak to us at any moment. It is the core of our self, of our consciousness, a touchstone which is always true and trustworthy, as long as the voice is not distracted or disturbed by the many voices of our ego, or others egos, which we allow to reside like ghosts within our consciousness. Learning to listen to and trust our intuition means we must be able to recognize these voices and ruthlessly ignore their deviations and temptations. This is why we need to spend some time each day in some form of contemplative process - call it meditation, reflection or just listening to the self. When we give time to restoring our inner peace and quiet, we will learn to discern the voice of our intuition from the cleverness of our ego. When meditation becomes a regular exercise we rebuild that trust in ourselves to be able to ignore the machinations of ego, and follow the wisdom of our inner tutor. Gradually there comes a time when we never do not know what to do, when every event reveals something deeply significant to our awareness, and we can sense the deeper needs of those around us. These are the inner subtle skills of intuition and the sign of our intuitive intellect at work.

Focus on Solution

When there is a situation, which is difficult to deal with, the mind is
usually caught up with it. But just thinking about it would not create
a solution. When thinking is focused solely on finding a solution, then
there is the ability to find the available resources and use them to
change the situation. When I am constantly looking for answers, I find
the richness that is lying within. I appreciate and use both internal
and external resources. I am free from complaints about problems, and I
never give excuses for whatever is happening. I only appreciate what is
there to bring about a positive change.

Symptoms Of Stress - cont.

When we feel stressed our difficulty tends to be reflected in certain physiological (physical) and psychological (mental) symptoms, whose importance we may not fully understand. These are normal signs that we should re-check our priorities - our body, or our state of mind, is telling us that something in our lives needs to change. Listed here are some more common signs:
1. Restlessness - We could have difficulty sitting still for even short periods of time and we may play with our hands, play with our thumbs or play with the rings on our fingers.
2. Impatience And Short-temperedness - We could find ourselves becoming angry at any moment for simple reasons; or we may snap at people, too quick to assume that they are accusing us.
3. Obsessive Working - Overworking can be a stress symptom, although stress can also cause some people to work very little.
4. Loss Of Appetite - Food doesn't interest us anymore. Either we don't eat, or we over-eat junk food.
5. Fear Of Silence - Silence may cause us discomfort, so that we over-talk when with other people or leave on the television or music player when alone. Sometimes we may not tolerate noise at all.

Soul Sustenance

The Invisible Factor 

The most powerful things are invisible. For example, the roots of a tree cannot be seen; they are underground silently nourishing the visible tree. A house is supported by its foundation deep within the earth. If the foundation is weak the building will fall when there is some kind of strong pressure, like an earthquake. The essence of matter is the atom; it holds a tremendous amount of energy but cannot be seen by the eyes. 

Can we see the Supreme Being (God)? You will never meet someone who has seen Him. People have experienced, or felt God's presence but no one has actually seen a personal form, yet millions believe in such a Being! In the same way, when it comes to knowing the true self, we ask, 'What does the soul look like? Where is it situated?' 

Spirituality leads us to the answers related to the invisible i.e. answers to what is the form, location and virtues of the soul as well as the Supreme Soul.

Message for the day

Success in relationships comes when we are free from expectations. 

Expression: In our daily interactions if we find that we are not able to get along with someone, our usual reaction is to avoid that person alltogether in order to avoid the conflict. But that is not really a solution. Unless we recognise why we are not able to get along with that person we will face the same problem with someone else. 

Experience: When we are not able to get along with someone we need to recognise the fact that the problem is not with the person but with our own expectations. When our expectations are not being met we have a conflict which is reflected in our relationship with that person. So we need to work at recognizing and removing these expectations. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Happiness

Contemplation: Happiness

Image may contain: 1 person, closeup and text

There is no nourishment like happiness - it's an elixir. There is no sickness like sorrow - it's a poison. The experience of true happiness cures the sickness of sorrow. A cheerful face goes a long way towards making everything better!


When there is the ability to be in the present, there is the ability
to look at both the past and the future with detachment. This
detachment brings about the best response to situations. One is not
caught up (or coloured) with the events of the past, but is able to
give the best to the present situation. When I am detached, I am able
to take the learning from the past happenings and move forward towards
the future. So I am naturally able to make the best use of this moment.
I don't lose out to the challenges of the present and am able to
experience constant victory.

Symptoms Of Stress

When we feel stressed we experience certain physiological (related to the body) and psychological (related to the mind) symptoms, whose importance we may not fully understand. These are normal signs that we should re-check our priorities - our body, or our state of mind, is telling us that something in our lives needs to change. Listed here are some of the common signs:
1. Loneliness - We may feel isolated (lonely) from friends and family, or experience a lasting sense of being lonely in a crowd.
2. Insecurity - We may suddenly feel shy or exposed around people with whom we are usually filled with confidence. Or we may believe that we are always being judged or criticized.
3. Loss of concentration and memory - We may find it hard to recall recent conversations or promises. We may often feel confused, so that understanding and remembering information could also be very difficult.
4. Fatigue and sleeping difficulties - Although we may feel constantly tired, we could also find it impossible to get to sleep.
5. Tears and mood swings - One of the most common symptoms is that we cry easily. We may also experience mood swings - joyousness followed by sadness or vice versa.

(To be continued tomorrow ...)

Soul Sustenance

Resolving Conflicts in Relationships (Part 2) 

During a conflict, it is good to realize that the energy that you put into the conflict will possibly be the quality of energy that you will receive in return. This is the law of reciprocity (cause and effect). On a subtle level, we radiate according to our attitude, and on a physical level, we radiate according to our behavior. What we transmit on a subtle or/and physical level will return to us in a similar way; unless the ‘other’ is wiser and decides not to give us back the same negative energy, but rather to treat us in exchange with a positive attitude and pro-active behavior. That way, that person won't bring about a dependence inside us, but rather they will help us to free ourselves of our own negativity. 

Often, conflict between two people happens because we do not get the result in a relationship that we want; we are stuck to getting a specific result and we allow our happiness to depend on getting it. On not getting it, we use a wrong method; we generate a conflict, we feel ourselves to be victims, we blame the other, we project our pain onto them; all of this under the belief that others - the other - is who makes us happy or unhappy. This is a false belief. When your happiness depends on your expectations being fulfilled, it is difficult to be happy in a constant way. Often expectations are disguised desires, and where there are desires there is fear - the fear of not getting what you want. When you don't get it you get unhappy and, in so doing, you keep happiness away from you. It is good to set yourself goals of peaceful relationships, but if they are not fulfilled or if these goals take time to achieve, don't lose your sense of wellbeing. Your happiness is a much more valuable treasure than the external achievement of your expectations and of those that others have of you. 

Message for the day

Problem solving is to work at the roots of a problem. 

Expression: When a problem comes up we usually try to work at removing the problem at hand by trying various methods based on the understanding we have. We don't go deep into the actual cause of the problem and so find it repeating again and again. Unless we understand the root cause of the problem we will not be able to get rid of it fully. 

Experience: The trick to problem solving is to go to the root, i.e. to find the actual cause. When we find and work at removing the actual cause of the problem we will never find it repeating. For example, if the actual problem might be inability to finish everything in time, the cause behind might not be lack of sufficient time, but my own carelessness. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: No coincidence

Contemplation: No coincidence

Image may contain: tree, plant, sky, outdoor, nature and water

Nothing is just coincidence; every tree in life's garden bears significance.

Being Positive

A person constantly communicates their attitude. When one has a
positive attitude, (even when nothing is positive around), there is a
change visible because of one's own positivity. There is an atmosphere
of positivity and power created where people are able to change too. A
positive attitude is created through positive thoughts and feelings.
When I am positive I am able to experience my inner power in the most
challenging situations. I don't feel helpless because of the situation,
but am able to bring out the best from within me. I get the best of
everything and am also able to inspire people to bring out the best
from people too.

Ending The Day In The Presence Of God (cont.)

Inspite of the fact that the Supreme Soul already knows whatever I have done right through the day on a physical as well as on a non-physical level; there is immense benefit in meditating for a few minutes, before going to bed at night. It is wise that before I sleep, I have a face-to-face meeting with the Supreme and I become a child, become humble, and put my entire day with obedience, transparency, loyalty and love; before the Supreme. In this stage of transparency, I definitely receive a response from God, which may be in the form of a thought vibration immediately or as soon as I get up from sleep or through some other medium the next day, when I read something positive the next morning or may be in the form of a loved one at home or even a friend or colleague at office, who may become instruments used by the Supreme to communicate with me. The Supreme Being has His ways of responding to your act of honesty and love of sharing the day's happenings with Him.

He is the Ocean of Truth and His response will be one which is filled with the light of truth or wisdom which I make use of, to illuminate the path or road of my life. Using this light, I'll find I am helped to see clearly where there has been progress, and where I failed, with accurate judgment, so that I learn. God, the Supreme Companion or Friend or Beloved is with me, wanting to lead me to my destination of perfection. I want to fulfill my side of the relationship with Him, so His light will help me recognize where I must change, and what I must do to make corrections to any damage for which I have been responsible. Where my actions have been positive and right, the subtle blessings of 'well done child' that I receive from Him, will make me aware that the strength behind these actions came from my relationship with the Him - He is permanently and was my back-bone right through the day. Then there will be neither worry (due to mistakes committed by me) nor laziness or complacency (due to positive actions done by me), but only love and contentment in my dreams. If I do not surrender the day's happenings to Him in this way, although He loves me and is concerned for me, He might and will most probably remain detached and not guide me in any way.

Soul Sustenance

Resolving Conflicts in Relationships (Part 1) 

In relationships, sometimes we feel that the other person is not only a problem but also a source of conflicts. We have to be aware that there always have to be two people involved for there to be an unhappy or conflictive exchange. When we are in any conflict, it is difficult to see and understand the true causes and the real energy of the process of the conflict. The emotions that arise inside us during a conflict distract us and even blind us. 

In the first place, it is important to recognize that your response in any situation of conflict is your contribution to the conflict. The process of responding to any person or situation is something that takes place in you. Nothing can make you feel anything without your permission. If you have been in conflict with someone for a time, for sure, you create fear or anger towards them, expressing thus behaviors of resistance when you communicate or relate to them. The other person is not responsible for your emotions or for your behavior. 

Your experience of conflict and your contribution to the conflict begin in your consciousness and you keep them in your consciousness. It begins with your perception of the other (how you see others). If you perceive them negatively you will think negatively; you will feel negative and create a negative attitude; you will behavenegatively, and so you will transmit a negative energy. You don't have to do it like that. Perception is a choice. 

When there is conflict there is mental and emotional pain, even physical. Who creates that pain? You! Who creates at least half of the conflict? You! Where do you dissolve it? In your consciousness - in you. Freeing yourself of the conflict is a matter of a decision. At any moment you can decide not to be in conflict. One party has to dissolve their contribution to the conflict, even if it is temporarily, for the process of resolution to be able to begin. 

(To be continued tomorrow…) 

Message for the day

Patience enables one to easily overcome obstacles. 

Expression: Usually, when faced with obstacles there is an urgency to remove it without any proper planning. That means we want to overcome the obstacle without putting in any effort. And when it is not possible, it tends to create impatience and frustration in us. 

Experience: It is important to do some internal work to overcome an obstacle. First, it is good to check to what extent there is faith in the self. With faith in ourselves, we need to plan out before we act to remove or overcome the obstacle and we will, then, find ourselves successful. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Power of Thoughts

Contemplation: Power of Thoughts

Image may contain: 1 person

Artist- Josephine Hall

Power of Thoughts

Thoughts are more powerful than actions because they are the creators of actions. You have to keep in mind that the thought-waves of your good wishes and pure feelings, your vibrations of peace and love, can once again bring harmony in nature and happiness in the world.

Being Fortunate

When there is an awareness of being fortunate, there is the ability to
recognize what one has. All that is there in one's own life is put to
good use, which brings about benefit. Such a person never gives up
trying to better the situation. He puts in continuous effort with
enthusiasm. When I have the awareness of being fortunate, I am
constantly happy and content. I appreciate everything that is in my
life and continue to put it to good use. So I find my fortune
increasing with each day that passes. I thus experience constant
progress and happiness.

Ending The Day In The Presence Of God

On a physical level, there is complete transparency in a parent-child relationship. When a child is born to a mother and father and the parents see the child for the first time, the child is completely bare. As the child grows in the canopy of the parents, the parents see and know everything about the child, not only in a physical way, but also the child's personality or nature right from childhood. Sometimes, there are certain things about the child that even the child himself does not have an awareness of, but the parents are aware of the same. So, in short, there is nothing that the child can hide from the parents.

In the same way, the Supreme Being, who is a permanent resident of the soul world, has seen from that world, each soul right from the time when it was completely bare or bodiless residing in the soul world with Him, to the time when it took its first physical costume or body on earth and then changed many costumes in the process of birth and rebirth. He not only knows the soul's original sanskaras, which were there in the soul in the soul world, but also each and every costume that the soul wore. He also knows every soul's different relationships while wearing each and every costume; every thought, word or action created while wearing each and every costume and the different personality traits or sanskaras of the soul while wearing each and every costume. That is on an unlimited level. On a limited level, there is no doubt that the Supreme Soul who is the Supreme Parent of all human souls and is said to possess a thousand eyes; very well knows the mental, emotional and physical activity of the complete day of each soul. Thus, there is nothing that is hidden about the soul from this Parent.

(To be continued tomorrow...)

Soul Sustenance

Meditation On Self-Forgiveness 

Sit comfortably and relax. Recall the feelings associated with some mistake or mistakes you have made in the past. Connect with any feelings of hatred and revenge; connect with any feelings of guilt and how you felt you had let others and yourself down; the shame and the humiliation you may have felt... 

Now ask yourself: 
What good is it doing me or others by holding onto these feelings...? 
What benefits does it bring me? How does it help me, or the other people affected...? (pause for 30 seconds). 

Now, say the following to yourself inside your mind: 
I decide that I have held onto these feelings long enough and it is time to let them go... This is a matter of reason as they no longer serve me, and a matter of my will at a deep level to release them... I feel all these negative feelings and let them go... I release them... let them go... 

Now, unconditionally, forgive yourself... you have made a mistake... you have learned from that mistake... there is nothing to be gained from having feelings of guilt or shame... let them go... forgive yourself... forgive everyone else who may have contributed... it is time to let it go... 

Now focus on your true self - a divine being of spiritual energy situated at the center of the forehead... focus on your inner feelings of peace... Think of and feel your inner qualities of honesty, tolerance, kindness and generosity. Focus on them, as this is who you truly are... a peaceful, compassionate, forgiving being of spiritual light... radiating these qualities to the world... 

Message for the day

Simplicity sharpens the power of perception. 

Expression: When there is simplicity within us, the clouds or layers that prevent our perception begin to fade away and we can see the situation clearly. With simplicity we find that there is nothing to colour or change our perception and naturally the decisions that follow become accurate too. 

Experience: Before we take any important decision we need to stop for a while, detach ourselves from the situation and see it with a cool mind. With this our thoughts will become free from all kind of associated memories and unnecessary attitudes and we will be able to make the right decision. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris

Contemplation: Mirror

Contemplation: Mirror

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Let my eyes be a mirror for others, reflecting only their best and finest qualities.


To have self-respect is to be able to recognize and express one's own
specialties. The one who does this also uses every situation as an
opportunity to use others' specialties too. Such a person is not
caught up with the negative aspects in others, but is able to encourage
and inspire them to use their specialties. When I have self-respect I
have naturally respect for others too. I am able to understand others
and their behavior and act accordingly. I provide an environment for
others' growth. I have no complaints, as I know I can fill in within
them what is missing. To have self-respect is to be powerful and make
others powerful too.

Physical Benefits Of Positive Thinking

* You feel more relaxed physically.
* You feel more active with more energy.
* Your breathing improves, being slower and deeper.
* Your immunological system is strengthened and your digestive system improves.
* The nervous system is strengthened.
* Your mind is balanced and in harmony and your health improves.
* Your energy flows better and you feel more active.

Soul Sustenance

The Causes Of Fear (Part 2) 

Yesterday we had discussed some of the causes of fear. Some more are: 

• The desire to be recognized, appreciated and valued. 
• Experiences of the past that have produced disappointment, insecurity, worry or emotional or mental exhaustion. 
• Attachments and dependencies generate fear. 
• The habit of seeing situations and people in a negative way. 
• Dishonesty - When you have done things that you know are not right, you know there will be negative after effects, and this provokes fear within. 
• The ego being afraid to 'die'. It justifies itself and resists. We wear masks that cover our true identity. We become selfish.

Message for the day

Patience brings easy solutions. 

Expression: What one cannot achieve with pressure can be very easily achieved with patience. Patience brings a state of calm inside which helps in finding the answers that already lie within. It gives courage to work on the problem in a cool and relaxed way till the solution is found. It brings creativity even to mundane things. 

Experience: When I am able remain patient even in the most challenging situations, I am able to remain calm. I don't let go of my inner peace but am able to be aware of my own inner resources. I am able to retain my inner strength which gives me courage to find the solution for every problem. 

In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris


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