Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 25, 2013: Eye of the Storm

Daily Positive Thoughts: June 25, 2013: Eye of the Storm
Supercell Stormcloud
Eye of the Storm

A wise sea captain caught in a tropical storm knows that if he holds his vessel on the periphery it will get hurled from one side to the other. If he can reach the eye of the storm, he will enter a place of stillness. The storm will then subside and the ship can continue its journey. Similarly, when everything around me is changing in a very intense way, the best place for me to seek shelter and refuge is not on the outside, but deep within the self, where I can get in touch with my own inner being, find strength and stability, then come out and do whatever it is I need to.
Humility dismisses nothing, rather, it takes even small things into consideration. It recognizes that whatever life presents, needs to be respected. Small things are easily found in something big, but inside little things there is often greatness.
Tuning The Mind, Intellect And Personality

The soul, is made up of three faculties - the mind, intellect and personality (sanskars). In order to tune these to the highest degree of subtlety, precision and efficiency; we need to connect with the Supreme Soul, who is also a soul, just like us, but has a perfect mind and intellect along with perfect sanskars:

Mind - The Supreme Being or God is an embodiment of positivity -negative and waste do not find a place in his mind.

Intellect - He is also the purest living energy in the entire universe -he is the innocent Lord; a being of conscious light, who has never taken a body and thus never experienced the five vices - lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment.

Personality (sanskars) - God is the ocean of the basic virtues of the soul and of humanity - peace, love, bliss, joy, power and purity.

By this connection, gradually over a period of time, our mind, intellect and sanskars begin to become like his - mind becomes full of positivity; intellect begins to become pure and is able to take correct decisions so that right karmas are performed and sanskars become full of the virtues mentioned above.
Soul Sustenance
Understanding And Overcoming Fears (cont.)

Listed below are some of our common fears:

• Dying
• Getting ill
• The unknown
• Loneliness
• Other people
• Authority
• Being rejected
• Being hurt
• Failure
• Change
• The future
• Being
• Being free
• Thinking and being in a different way
• Losing control
• Dreaming and making our dreams real

From these fears many other fears and blockages emerge.
Message for the day

The power of realisation brings permanent transformation

Expression: To have the power of realisation means to have the power to understand what is right and to have the commitment to the right thing. So, if a mistake is committed, when there is the realisation, there is easy and permanent transformation. So the same mistake is never committed again.

Experience: When I have the power of realisation, I will never experience difficulty in bringing about a change, because I have actually understood the importance of bringing about change.

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