Swamaan / Sankalp / Slogan: Swaroop Bano
November 16, 2013
हम देही अभिमानी आत्माएँ, श्रीमत पर पूरा चल पारसबुद्धि बननेवाले, ज्ञान स्वरूप, योग स्वरूप धारणा स्वरूप हैं...“बाबा” शब्द, जो सर्व ख़ज़ानों की चाबी है, उसे सदा सम्भालकर हर गुण वा शक्ति को अपना स्वरूप बनानेवाले, बाप समान सम्पन्न हैं...
By following shrimat, we, the soul conscious souls have divine intellects, and become the embodiments of knowledge, the embodiments of yoga and the embodiments of dharna... by constantly and carefully looking after the word “Baba”, the key to all treasures, we make every virtue and power our form, and become complete, the same as the Father...
Om Shanti Divine Angels!!!
Points to Churn: November 16, 2013
Praise of the Father: the Unlimited Mother and Father...the creator of the human world tree...the God Father...the Creator of Heaven...the Father from beyond this world...the Lord and Master...the Bestower of Happiness...the Creator and Actor...the Supreme Soul...Living Being...Knowledge-full...the Purifier Father...
Knowledge: People sing: “You are our Mother and Father and we are Your children”... As well as being the Father, that One is also the Supreme Judge. I come into the impure world to give you children your kingdom of self-sovereignty for 21 births. If you do anything destructive, you will have to endure full punishment. Whatever you are doing now is also for 21 births. You claim your reward of heaven for 21 births. By following shrimat in every respect, your boat goes across. The Father says: I seat you children in My eyes and take you across in great comfort. I keep the key to divine visions with Myself. I do not give this to anyone. The word “Baba” is the key to all treasures: constantly look after this key carefully.
Yoga: The Father explains: Become soul conscious! I am a soul. Baba, You are the Ocean of Knowledge. Effort lies in becoming soul conscious. This is why the Father repeatedly says: Be cautious, Manmanabhav! Maya slaps you if you don’t remember the Father. Therefore, practise staying in constant remembrance. Baba has shown you methods to do this: Manmanabhav! Remember Me, that’s all, and you will shed your bodies while sitting. Continue to remember the Father wherever you go. There is a great burden of sin on your head. You also have to settle the suffering of karma.
Be constantly embodiments of remembrance and embodiments of all virtues and all powers; make every virtue and every power your natural form. You should not have to make effort even to remember, but when you remain absorbed in remembrance, you would then be said to be the same as the Father.
Dharna: Remain soul conscious and you will be able to follow every shrimat of the Father. By following shrimat you become those with divine intellects. Become pure, holy, worthy of worship, elevated, unadulterated, satvik and satopradhan. Make complete effort to claim their full inheritance from the Father; they take the Father’s advice at every step. You must listen to the murli. Study is a source of income. Do not perform any wrong act. Make your fortune for 21 births on the basis of shrimat. Remain very cautious at every step you take.
Service: Do a lot of service through pictures. Become merciful just like the Father and liberate everyone from sorrow. Show them the path to happiness.
Points of Self Respect: the children of the Unlimited Mother and Father...the masters of the world...wise...long-lost and now-found children...ones with a divine intellect...complete and perfect...
विचार सागर मंथन:November 16, 2013
बाबा की महिमा : बेहदके मात-पिता... मनुष्य सृष्टि कारचयिता... गॉड फादर... स्वर्ग का रचयिता... पारलौकिक बाप... धनी... सुखदाता... क्रियेटर और एक्टर... परमात्मा... चैतन्य... नॉलेजफुल... पतित-पावनबाप...
ज्ञान : मनुष्य गाते हैं तुम मात-पिताहम बालक तेरे ..... यह बाप भी है तो धर्मराज भी है | पतित दुनिया में आकर बच्चों को 21 जन्मों के लिए स्वराज्य देता हूँ| अगर फिर कोई विनाशकारी कर्तव्य कियातो पूरी सज़ा खायेंगे | तुम अभीजो करते हो वह21 जन्मों के लिए | तुमको तो स्वर्ग में एवज़ा मिलना है| तुम स्वर्गमें 21 जन्मों के लिए प्रालब्ध पाते हो| हर बातमें श्रीमत पर चलने से बेड़ा पार है| बाप कहते हैं तुम बच्चों को नयनों पर बिठाकर बड़े आराम से ले जाताहूँ | दिव्य दृष्टि की चाबी मैं अपने पास ही रखता हूँ | यह किसको नहीं देता हूँ|“बाबा” शब्द ही सर्व ख़ज़ानों की चाबी है,इसे आप सदा सम्भालकर रखो |
योग : बाप समझाते हैं देही-अभिमानी बनो | मैं आत्मा हूँ, बाबा आप ज्ञान के सागर हो | मेहनत है ही देही-अभिमानी बनने में इसलिए बाप घड़ी-घड़ी कहते हैं सावधान, मनमनाभव | बाप को याद नहीं करेंगे तो माया थप्पड़ लगा देगी इसलिए निरन्तर याद करने का अभ्यास करो |
बाबा ने युक्ति तो बताई है – मनमनाभव | मुझे याद करो बस, ऐसे बैठे-बैठे शरीर छोड़ देंगे | कहाँ भी जाओ बाप को याद करते रहो | विकर्मों का बोझ सिर पर बहुत है | कर्मभोग चुक्तू करना होता है |
याद स्वरूप, सर्वगुण और सर्वशक्तियों स्वरूपरहना है| हर गुणहर शक्तिनिजी स्वरूपबन जाए,याद करनेकी भी मेहनत नहींकरनी पड़ेलेकिन यादमें समायेरहें तब कहेंगे बापसमान |
धारणा : देही-अभिमानी रहो तो बाप की हर श्रीमतका पालनकर सकेंगे | श्रीमत पर चलने से ही पारसबुद्धि बनना है| पवित्र, पावन, पुज्य, श्रेष्ठ, शुद्ध सात्विक सतोप्रधान बननाहै | बाप से वर्सा लेनेका पूरा-पूरा पुरुषार्थ करना है, हर क़दमपर बापकी रायलेनी है |मुरलीतो ज़रूरसुननी है| पढ़ाई सोर्सऑफ़ इनकमहै | कोईभी विनाशकारी (उल्टा) कर्तव्य नहीं करनाहै | श्रीमतपर 21 जन्मों के लिए अपनी प्रालब्ध बनानीहै | क़दम-क़दम पर सावधानी से चलना है|
सेवा : चित्र से बहुतसर्विस करनीहै | बापसमान सबकोदुःखों से लिबरेट करनेका रहमकरना है| सुख का रास्ता बतानाहै |
स्वमान : बेहद के मात-पिता की सन्तान... विश्व के मालिक... बुद्धिवान... सिकिलधे बच्चे... पारसबुद्धि... सम्पन्न...
Video of Murli Essence:
Song: Mehefil me jal uthi shama parvane ke liye... महफिलमें जल उठीशमा... The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths.
Essence: Sweet children, when you become body conscious, Maya slaps चमाट you. Remain soul conscious and you will be able to follow every shrimat of the Father.
Question: The Father has two types of effort-making children. What are they?
Answer: One type is those who make complete effort to claim their full inheritance from the Father; they take the Father’s advice at every step. The other type is those who make effort to divorce फ़ारकती the Father. There are some who remember the Father a great deal in order to become free from sorrow, and there are others who want to become trapped in sorrow. This too is a wonder.
Song: You The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths! महफ़िल में जल उठी शमा......parvaane ke liye, preet bani hai duniya men mar jaane ke liye...
Essence for dharna:
1. Become merciful just like the Father and liberate everyone from sorrow.
Show them the path to happiness.
2. Do not perform any wrong act. Make your fortune for 21 births on the basis of shrimat. Remain very cautious at every step you take.
Blessing: May you be complete, the same as the Father by making every virtue and
power your form.
Children who are to become complete, the same as the Father are constantly embodiments of remembrance and embodiments of all virtues and all powers. To be an embodiment means that becomes your form; virtues and powers are not separate from you, but are merged in your form. Just as weak sanskars and defects have become your form over a long period of time, and you don’t have to make effort to imbibe those, in the same way, every virtue and every power should become your natural form. You should not have to make effort even to remember, but when you remain absorbed in remembrance, you would then be said to be the same as the Father.
Slogan: The word “Baba” is the key to all treasures: constantly look after this key carefully.
Question: The Father has two types of effort-making children. What are they?
Answer: One type is those who make complete effort to claim their full inheritance from the Father; they take the Father’s advice at every step. The other type is those who make effort to divorce फ़ारकती the Father. There are some who remember the Father a great deal in order to become free from sorrow, and there are others who want to become trapped in sorrow. This too is a wonder.
Song: You The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths! महफ़िल में जल उठी शमा......parvaane ke liye, preet bani hai duniya men mar jaane ke liye...
Essence for dharna:
1. Become merciful just like the Father and liberate everyone from sorrow.
Show them the path to happiness.
2. Do not perform any wrong act. Make your fortune for 21 births on the basis of shrimat. Remain very cautious at every step you take.
Blessing: May you be complete, the same as the Father by making every virtue and
power your form.
Children who are to become complete, the same as the Father are constantly embodiments of remembrance and embodiments of all virtues and all powers. To be an embodiment means that becomes your form; virtues and powers are not separate from you, but are merged in your form. Just as weak sanskars and defects have become your form over a long period of time, and you don’t have to make effort to imbibe those, in the same way, every virtue and every power should become your natural form. You should not have to make effort even to remember, but when you remain absorbed in remembrance, you would then be said to be the same as the Father.
Slogan: The word “Baba” is the key to all treasures: constantly look after this key carefully.
सार:- “मीठे बच्चे – देह-अभिमान में आने से ही माया की चमाट लगती है, देही-अभिमानी रहो तो बाप की हर श्रीमत का पालन कर सकेंगे”
प्रश्न:- बाप के पास दो प्रकार के पुरुषार्थी बच्चे हैं, वह कौन से?
प्रश्न:- बाप के पास दो प्रकार के पुरुषार्थी बच्चे हैं, वह कौन से?
उत्तर:- एक बच्चे हैं जो बाप से वर्सा लेने का पूरा-पूरा पुरुषार्थ करते हैं, हर क़दम पर बाप की राय लेते हैं | दूसरे फिर ऐसे भी बच्चे हैं जो बाप को फ़ारकती देने का पुरुषार्थ करते हैं | कोई हैं जो दुःख से छूटने के लिए बाप को बहुत-बहुत याद करते हैं, कोई फिर दुःख में फँसना चाहते हैं, यह भी वन्डर है ना |
गीत:- महफ़िल में जल उठी शमा......
धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:-
1) बाप समान सबको दुःखों से लिबरेट करने का रहम करना है | सुख का रास्ता बताना है |
2) कोई भी विनाशकारी (उल्टा) कर्तव्य नहीं करना है | श्रीमत पर 21 जन्मों के लिए अपनी प्रालब्ध बनानी है | क़दम-क़दम पर सावधानी से चलना है |
वरदान:- हर गुण वा शक्ति को अपना स्वरूप बनाने वाले बाप समान सम्पन्न भव
जो बच्चे बाप समान सम्पन्न बनने वाले हैं वह सदा याद स्वरूप, सर्वगुण और सर्व शक्तियों स्वरूप रहते हैं | स्वरूप का अर्थ है अपना रूप ही वह बन जाए | गुण वा शक्ति अलग नहीं हो, लेकिन रूप में समाये हुए हों | जैसे कमज़ोर संस्कार या कोई अवगुण बहुत काल से स्वरूप बन गये हैं, उसको धारण करने की मेहनत नहीं करते | ऐसे हर गुण हर शक्ति निजी स्वरूप बन जाए, याद करने की भी मेहनत नहीं करनी पड़े लेकिन याद में समाये रहें तब कहेंगे बाप समान |
स्लोगन:- “बाबा” शब्द ही सर्व ख़ज़ानों की चाबी है, इसे सदा सम्भालकर रखो |
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