Synopsis: January 13, 1978
Make preparations instead of waiting
Points of Self Respect:
We, the lucky souls, thedirectchildren of the Father, the Bestower, worthy of the most elevated praise and worship, the embodiments of experience who receive all attainments , the ones who are yogi andgyani and with all the divine virtues,the constant world servers who are always lost in love for BapDada andwho constantly co-operate with Him, thechancellors who remain constantly busy in service, the obedient children of the Father who have determined thoughts and become obedient within a second, theworld benefactors, the great donors and the bestowers of blessings who, l ike the Father, make everyone complete,are the masters of the imperishable treasures, bestowers of happiness, and equal to the Father....
Target: become an angel and a deity: Thealokik lives and the alokikkarma received throughthe alokik Father are not ordinary. Within one second, the name and sanskars change fromthoseof a shudra to thoseof a Brahmin. In this game of one second, theworld, the sanskars, the attitude, vision and awareness all change. Thegame of one second is to be in the body one moment and to go beyond the body in the next and remain stable in the avyakt stage. The final paper will be that of just one second. Only those who have controlling power willbe able to control the world. Youneed the power to pack up. In one second, you shouldbe able to go into the essence of the expansionand in one second, go into the expansionof the essence.
Complete: Jewels who are close will remain constantly stable in a spiritual stage. Those who maintain their spiritual intoxication are able to make the Father their Companionbecause the Father is the Spirit. Thereisjust the one awareness: theFather and I. With this awareness, you will automatically be able to go beyond the attractions of the old world . Soulswho remain constantlyabsorbed in love for the one Father and none other remainsafe from every type of attack from Maya.
Every thought and every word has tobe used in giving all the treasuresyou have attainedto all souls of the world. Surrender your time, all attainments, knowledge, virtues and powersin serving the world. Bysurrendering yourselves for service, you will very easilybecome complete. By surrendering yourself in love for service,all the big and little papers or tests will also automatically surrender themselves. The name and form of any test will changeand take on the form of attainment, and you become the embodiments of experience who receive all attainments. You should take any chance forservice and become a chancellor. A completesoul never complains.
Service: Your eyes and faces should give happinessto others. Become bestowers of happiness to this extent. Those who become such bestowers of happiness cannotexperience any waves of sorrow even i n theirthoughts. Quench the thirst of the thi rsty souls. Givea donation to the beggarsouls. Show the path of meetingGod as the fruit of devotion to the devotees.
Who will become part of theeight? The practical memorialof the eight jewels is special in that you are able to see each of the eight powers in their practical lives. Theeight deities are consideredto be specially loved by the devotees. ‘Specially loved ones’ means those whoare greatlyworthy of worship. Those who are to become part of the eight will be the specially beloved ones now, that is, they will show the path to success throughtheir every thought and activityto the whole Brahmin family and will be considered even now to be great images in front of everyone. They will have all the eight powers and they will be elevatedsouls, great souls and bestowers of blessings in front of the family.
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