Synopsis: January 02, 1978
The splendour ofthe moon of knowledge and the stars ofknowledge.
Points of Self Respect:
We, the multimillionaire souls, the stars of knowledge, the master oceans of knowledge, happinessand peace, the all-round first class serviceable souls who reveal the Father's virtues and task, who are constantly co-operative and ever-ready, who are loving and filled with all powers, who are constantly extremelydetached and loving, who make a mountain into cotton wool, whose starof fortune is constantly sparkling, who are the most elevated and fortunate and who are seated on the throne now and who will be in the future, who transform the self and others in a second, are the number one world hero actors and benefactors...
Q: When will the meeting of the corporeal form and the avyaktform take place?
A: "When the mother (Brahma) says that everyoneis ever ready."
Brahma Baba said: "The rosary of 16,108 is already made." The beads are fixed, but their positions are not. ln terms of theirpositions, the last ones can go fast.
Q: Would the eight jewels havebeen finalized?
A: The mother and Fatherhave the eight jewels fixed. Now, they just have to be revealed on the stage.
Q: Why are only the 108 fixed with the Father?
A: The future is becoming cleartothe very special children because they are close to the Father and co-operate with Him in every task.
Q: How can the children give an accurate judgement?
A:Having equal knowledge of the present and the futureis known as being equalto the Father. Therefore, the eight jewels are the Chief Justice.
Q: What creates an impression?
A: Drishti and the power of spirituality. Even though they may not understand the language, the impact that stays with them is your angelic face and thespiritual look in your eyes.
Hero actors: They can adopt whatever form they want when they want, that is, they can playwhatever part they want. They are ableto show this love and are also abletomerge it.
A First-ClassServer: The visible speciality in first-class serviceablesouls is that while serving they would reveal the Father's virtues and task. They would not just be serving throughaction. Even whileserving physically, their every action at every step would reveal the Father 's virtues and task. This is the first-class service. While serving, you should experience yourself tobe a master ocean ofknowledge, happiness and peace. A firstclass serviceable soul means one who does all three types of service simultaneously; through your face,through your mind and through yourdeeds. Your image should reveal the sparkleof a spiritual server, thatis, an angelic sparkle should be visible. Your elevated attitude should serve through your mind. In this way, all three types of service should be done simultaneously. This is known as being a first-class server. To serve is a virtue, but to remain a master ocean of all virtuesis a speciality thatcannot be foundanywhereelse. Everyone can become tireless, but nowhere else could one find all-round serviceable souls who do allthree types of servicesimultaneously. So reveal the speciality of Brahmins according to the aim and its qualifications.
Intense Speed: Make your karma and yoga even more balanced. Increase your practice of having a powerful stageof yoga while performing karma. To keep this balance means to have an intense speed.
Special Task: Become even more introverted and go into the depths of the attainments of the pilgrimage of remembrance and have very deep experiences. To be in yoga means to be connected. Go into the depths of its spirituality. Then the angelic form will be revealed. The way to achieve this revelation is first of all to have all the experiences visible in the self.
Memorial: Brahma confirmed the line of fortune of16,108 beads, that is, of all the co-operative souls. Thisis why Brahma is called the bestowerof fortune, the one who distributes all fortune. As a memorialof this, brahminpriests prepare the horoscope at the time of a child's birthand perform naming ceremonies.
Solution: Take benefit from theblessings and every difficult situation will be experienced as easy. Somethingmay appear to be very difficult but you will easily be able to find a solution to it. Thisis known as making a mountain into cottonwool (rui). A mustard seed (rai) is still hard, but cotton wool is soft and light.
Blessing: May you be bodiless, and, while enabling the physical organs to function as a detached observer, be free from the consciousness of being the “doer.”
Come into the body when you wan t and becomebodiless when you want. When you have to perform an action, then take the support of the physical organs, but do not forget that it is "I, the soul" who is tak ing that support. I am not the one who does, but the one who inspires. Just as when you get othersto do something you consider yourselfto be separate, in the same way, be a d etached observer and enable your physical organsto function and you will remain free from the consciousness of being the 'doer ' and become bodiless. When performing actions, practice being bodiless for one or two minutes andyou will recei ve a lot of help in the final moments.
Slogan: In order to become a world emperor, become one who gives
sakaash to the world.
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