Om Shanti
Om Shanti
कम बोलो, धीरे बोलो, मीठा बोलो            सोच के बोलो, समझ के बोलो, सत्य बोलो            स्वमान में रहो, सम्मान दो             निमित्त बनो, निर्मान बनो, निर्मल बोलो             निराकारी, निर्विकारी, निरहंकारी बनो      शुभ सोचो, शुभ बोलो, शुभ करो, शुभ संकल्प रखो          न दुःख दो , न दुःख लो          शुक्रिया बाबा शुक्रिया, आपका लाख लाख पद्मगुना शुक्रिया !!! 

परमात्मा की सच्ची निमित आत्मा

Hejceelcee keÀer me®®eer efveefceÊe Deelcee
(oeoer peevekeÀer peer)
Devleceg&Keer yeve Meeefvle ceW jnes~ Meeefvle mes MeefkeÌle efceuesieer Deewj efHeÀj DeeHe oeefo³eeW pewmes yeve peeDeesies~ DeveeJeM³ekeÀ, HeÀeuelet J³eLe& yeeleW mees®evee, yeesuevee Deewj megvevee vee kesÀJeue Yetue nw yeefukeÀ yeæ[e HeeHe nw~ cegK³e yeele nw mJe³eb keÀes osKevee vee efkeÀ DeewjeW keÀes~ DeewjeW keÀes osKeves mes J³eLe& ceW peeles nQ~ J³eLe& efJe®eej, otmejeW kesÀ yeejs ceW mees®evee GvnW Gunvee osvee, ceccee yeeyee pewmes yeveves kesÀ nceejs ue#³e ceW yeeO³e ªHe yeve peelee nw~ YeieJeeve keÀYeer veneR keÀnles ³en Ssmee nw, Jees Jewmee nw~ yesno H³eej mes Jen nceW DeHevee yevee ueslee nw~ Deye Fme mece³e meceeves keÀer MeefkeÌle keÀer DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nw~ Hegjeveer yeeleW pees ueesieeW ves ³ee nceves keÀer nQ meyekegÀí mecesìvee nesiee~ peye nce kegÀí yeeleeW keÀes oyeeles nQ leye GmekeÀe He´YeeJe nceejs efoue Hej Heæ[lee nw~ nceejs ceW 99 He´efleMele kegÀí ve kegÀí efoue ceW oyeeles jnles nQ~ keÀnves keÀer kegÀí F®íe veneR nesleer nw ke̳eeWefkeÀ nce mees®eles nQ efkeÀ keÀnves mes kegÀí HeÀe³eoe veneR nesiee ³ee kegÀí HeÀke&À veneR Heæ[siee uesefkeÀve keÀesF& Yeer yeele DeHeves efoue ceW jKeves mes efoue Yeejer nesleer jnleer nw~ peye nce DeHeves ner ogKe Deewj lekeÀueerHeÀeW ceW HeÀbmes ngS jnles nQ leye nceW efnccele veneR jnleer nw~ nce mesJee veneR keÀj mekeÀles nQ Deewj KegefMe³eeW ceW vee®e Yeer veneR mekeÀles nQ~ DeewjeW keÀes Yeer KegefMe³eeW ceW ve®ee veneR mekeÀles nQ~ lees DeHeves efoue ceW keÀesF& yeele cele jKevee efmeJeeS efoueejece kesÀ~ Deiej DeeHe cesjs pewmeer peerJeve ®eenles nes lees efkeÀmeer keÀes Yeer osKees ³ee megvees veneR efmeJeeS yeeyee kesÀ~ yeerleer keÀes ef®eleJees veneR~ Yetue peeDees Deewj peeves oes~ Deiej legcnejs ceW Ie=Cee keÀe YeeJe Deewj Gmeer ¢ef<ì mes DeewjeW keÀes osKeles nes FmekeÀe celeueye nw efkeÀ legcnejs ceW DenbkeÀej nw~ keÀesF& keÀnles nQ ceQves GmekeÀes ceeHeÀ keÀj efo³ee uesefkeÀve efHeÀj Yeer Gmeves DeHeves DeeHekeÀes veneR yeouee, ³en DenbkeÀej nw~ Deiej DeeHeceW meefn<egCelee, jnce Deewj #ecee YeeJe nw lees meYeer kesÀ He´efle DeeHekeÀer ¢ef<ì meoe keÀu³eeCe keÀer nesieer~ otmejeW keÀes ogëKe veneR oWies, vee ner ogëKe ueWies~ efce$elJe keÀe YeeJe meoe yevee jns~ me®®eer YeeJeveeDeeW kesÀ meeLe nce yeeleeW keÀes Yetue pee³eW Deewj ceeHeÀ keÀjles pee³eW~

शुद्ध संकल्पों की कमाल

Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer keÀceeue
1) DeevleefjkeÀ HeefjJele&ve mes Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer MeefkeÌle keÀe DevegYeJe keÀjves keÀer Deye Deefle DeeJeM³ekeÀlee nw~
2) nceW Meg× (HeefJe$e) mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer MeefkeÌle keÀes Hen®eevevee nesiee~
3) Meg× Deewj MeefkeÌleMeeueer mebkeÀuHe Yeer yengle yeæ[er keÀceeue keÀj mekeÀles nQ~
4) mJe³eb kesÀ efueS Meg× mebkeÀuHe jKeW~
5) meYeer kesÀ efueS meoe MegYe Deewj Meg× mebkeÀuHe jKeW~
6) Deelce ef®evleve kesÀ Meg× efJe®eejeW mes vekeÀejelcekeÀlee keÀes mekeÀejelcekeÀlee ceW yeouee pee mekeÀlee nw~
7) peye ceve Meg× efJe®eejeW ceW J³emle nesiee lees Dev³e efkeÀvneR efJe®eejeW kesÀ efueS JeneB keÀesF& mLeeve veneR nesiee~ peye keÀesF& ®eerpe Hetjer lejn mes YejHetj nesleer nw leye SkeÀ yebto Yeer GmeceW yeæ{eF& veneR pee mekeÀleer Dev³eLee Jen yen pee³esieer~
8) Ssmeer efmLeefle yevee³eW pees mebkeÀuHe cee$e Yeer efkeÀmeer vekeÀejelcekeÀlee keÀe Jeej ve nes~
9) DeHeves ceve keÀer ceeefuekeÀ Deelcee SkeÀ meskesÀC[ ceW DeHeves Meg× efJe®eejeW Üeje pewmee ®eenW Jewmee JeeleeJejCe yevee mekeÀleer nw~
10) Þes<þ Deewj MeefkeÌleMeeueer Deelcee keÀneR Yeer MeefkeÌleMeeueer JeeleeJejCe yevee mekeÀleer nw~
11) Meg× efJe®eejeW keÀe Ssmee IesjeJe [euees pees keÀcepeesj Deelcee³eW Yeer GmeceW Dee pee³eW~
12) DeewjeW keÀer mesJee keÀjvee DeLee&led GvekesÀ He´efle Meg× mebkeÀuHe jKevee~
13) DeeHe DeHeves Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW mes DeewjeW keÀes DeHeves keÀjerye uee mekeÀles nes, DeeHekesÀ mecyevOe De®ís neWies~
14) Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW mes DeeHe DeewjeW ceW HeefjJele&ve uee mekeÀles nes~
15) Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer yetbo mes Yeer Hejceelce efceueve kesÀ Deevevo keÀe DevegYeJe efkeÀ³ee pee mekeÀlee nw~
16) Hejceelcee legcnW DeHeves ner mJeªHe ceW osKevee ®eenles nQ FmeefueS ¢æ{lee Deewj HeefjJele&ve keÀer MeefkeÌle keÀes DeHevee meeLeer yeveeDees ®eens keÀesF& DeeHekeÀes efkeÀlevee ner vekeÀejelcekeÀlee ke̳eeW ve os~
17) ®eskeÀ keÀjes - meejs efove ceW cesjs ceve ceW DeefOekeÀlej Meg× mebkeÀuHe Deewj MegYekeÀeceveeDeeW kesÀ mebkeÀuHe nQ ³ee cesje p³eeoelej mece³e otmejeW kesÀ yeejs ceW mees®eves ceW Jesmì neslee nw~
18) pees ncesMee Meg× mebkeÀuHe keÀjles nQ Jees meoe nukesÀ jnles nQ~
19) peneB Meg× efJe®eejeW keÀe efJe®ejCe nw JeneB ef®evlee³eW mJe³eb meceeHle nes peeleer nQ~
20) J³eLe& efJe®eej J³eefkeÌle keÀes keÀcepeesj yevee osles nQ~ Deiej keÀYeer yengle J³eLe& mebkeÀuHe ®eues lees kegÀí mekeÀejelcekeÀ ³ee F&MJejer³e %eeve Heæ{keÀj Gme Hej ef®evleve keÀjvee ®eeefnS, efpememes keÀesF& ve keÀesF& HJeeFvì DeeHekeÀe O³eeve DeekeÀef<e&le keÀj uesieer Deewj mJeleë ner Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer MeefkeÌle pecee nesleer pee³esieer Deewj J³eLe& mebkeÀuHe meceeHle nes pee³eWies~
21) Deiej DeeHe J³eLe& mebkeÀuHeeW keÀes legjvle keÀì veneR keÀjles nQ lees DeeHe Gvemes He´YeeefJele nesles jnWies~ legcnW SkeÀ meskesÀC[ mes Yeer Henues J³eLe& mebkeÀuHeeW keÀes keÀì keÀjvee nesiee~ GvnW Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer MeefkeÌle mes meceeHle keÀj oes~
22) Deiej Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW ceW J³eLe& keÀer efceueeJeì jnsieer lees MeefkeÌleMeeueer veneR yeveWies~ mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer GlHeefÊe ceW meHeÀuelee veneR Hee mekeWÀies ke̳eesefkeÀ J³eLe& efJe®eejeW mes meHeÀuelee veneR efceue mekeÀleer~
23) DeHeves Meg× mebkeÀuHeeW keÀer Hetefle& ³ee He´eefHle kesÀ efueS nceW Devoj mes efmLej jnvee nesiee~
24) F&MJejer³e Heg©<eeLe& keÀe ue#³e ner nw Meg× mebkeÀuHe, yeesue Deewj keÀce&~ Fmecebs mece³e peªj ueielee nw, keÀesF& Yeer F&MJejer³e pevce uesles ner Fmes legjvle veneR keÀj Heeles nQ~

निमित आत्माओं के कर्तव्य

efveefceÊe DeelceeDeeW kesÀ keÀle&J³e
(oeoer peevekeÀer peer keÀer keÌueemesme mes)
1) F&MJejer³e keÀe³e& ceW efveefceÊe Deelcee³eW DeewjeW keÀes YeieJeeve kesÀ meceerHe ues Deeleer nQ Jen mJe³eb nukeÀer jn DeewjeW keÀes Yeer nukesÀ jnves keÀer He´sjCee osleer nQ~
2) me®®ee efveefceÊe ncesMee mekeÀejelcekeÀ meceeOeeve Keespe ueslee nw~
3) mekeÀejelcekeÀ efveefceÊe mekeÀejelcekeÀ YeeJevee³eW Deewj Je=efÊe jKelee nw efpememes JeeleeJejCe MeefkeÌleMeeueer yevelee nw~
4) efveefceÊe DeelceeDeeW keÀer Fceeveoejer DeewjeW keÀes Fceeveoej yeveves ceW ceoo keÀjleer nw~
5) efvecee&ve efveefceÊe Deelcee ncesMee ‘Henues DeeHe’ keÀjleer nw~
6) meceLe& efveefceÊe DeelceeDeeW kesÀ Heeme MegYe YeeJevee Deewj mvesn keÀer YeeJeveeDeeW keÀe YeC[ej ve efmeHe&À DeHeves He´efle neslee yeefukeÀ Dev³e meYeer He´efle leLee JeeleeJejCe kesÀ He´efle Yeer YejHetj neslee nw~
7) mvesner efveefceÊe Deelcee³eW mvesn mecHevve jn DeewjeW keÀer mecYeeue kesÀ meeLe mvesn keÀer uesveosve keÀjleer nQ~
8) efvece&ue efveefceÊe Deelcee³eW meoe mekeÀejelcekeÀ yeveer jnleer nQ~
9) iegHle efveefceÊe Deelcee³eW meoe v³eejer Deewj H³eejer yeveer jnleer nQ~
10) nef<e&le efveefceÊe Deelcee³eW mJe³eb meoe KegMevegceë yeve nj KegefMe³eeB HewÀueeleer nQ~

तपस्विनी दादी जी के नेतृत्व में संस्था का दिव्य सफर

leHeefmJeveerr oeoer peer keÀs velsel=Je ceW membLee keÀe efoJ³e meHeÀj
leHeefmJeveer oeoer peer kesÀ vesle=lJe ceW mebmLee keÀe efoJ³e meHeÀj

1922ë oeoer He´keÀeMeceefCe keÀe pevce nwojeyeeo efmebOe (HeeefkeÀmleeve) ceW ngDee~ efHeleepeer nwojeyeeo kesÀ megHe´efme× J³eeHeejer SJeb p³eesefle<eer Les~
1937ë ye´ïeekegÀceejer mebmLee keÀer mLeeHevee keÀe mece³e~ Fme mece³e oeoer peer ves DeHevee mecHetCe& peerJeve F&MJejer³e mesJeeLe& meceefHe&le efkeÀ³ee~
1937-50ë l³eeie-leHem³ee Je DeeO³eeeflcekeÀ %eeve Üeje peerJeve keÀes cetu³eefve<þ yevee³ee~ mJe³eb meJe&MeefkeÌleJeeve Hejceelce kesÀ meeefveO³e ceW jepe³eesie keÀer ienve meeOevee keÀj DeeeflcekeÀ yeue Deefpe&le efkeÀ³ee~ meeLe ner mebmLee kesÀ yeesef[¥ie mketÀue ceW ye®®eeW keÀes Heæ{eves keÀer mesJee keÀer~
1950ë mebmLee keÀe mLeeveeblejCe keÀje®eer mes ceeGCì Deeyet (jepe.) ceW ngDee~

दादी प्रकाशमणि जी - जीवन परिचय

25 Deiemle mce=elfe efoJeme Hej efJeMes<e
³e%e keÀer Deveceesue jlve `oeoer He´keÀeMeceefCe peer'

DeeO³eeeflcekeÀ %eeve mes Yejer oeoer He´keÀeMeceefCe Ssmeer meMekeÌle ceefnuee keÀe veece nw efpemeves mecHetCe& ceefnueeDeeW keÀes MeefkeÌle mJeªHee yeveves keÀe Heeþ Heæ{e³ee~ GvekeÀer efíHeer ngF& MeefkeÌle³eeW keÀes peeie=le efkeÀ³ee~ Fmeer keÀejCe ceefnueeSb Deepe nj #es$e ceW Deie´Ceer YetefcekeÀe efveYeeves kesÀ efueS lelHej nQ~ GvneWves efJeMJe kesÀ 130 osMeeW kesÀ ueeKeeW YeeF&-yenveeW keÀes ªneveer mesJee ceW efve³eesefpele efkeÀ³ee~ oeoer peer ves DeHeveer DevegHece DeeO³eeeflcekeÀ o#elee mes peerJeve cetu³eeW keÀer meceepe ceW mLeeHevee keÀer DeeOeejefMeuee jKeer~ oeoer He´keÀeMeceefCe peer ye®eHeve mes ner kegÀMeeie´ yegef× keÀer Leer~ Jes DeHeves yeeu³ekeÀeue ceW ner Fme efJeMJe efJeÐeeue³e kesÀ mebHeke&À ceW Dee³eeR~ Gme mece³e Fme mebmLee keÀes Deesce ceb[ueer kesÀ veece mes peevee peelee Lee~ GvneWves 14 Je<e& keÀer DeuHee³eg ceW ner DeHevee peerJeve ceeveJe keÀu³eeCe nsleg meceefHe&le keÀj efo³ee, Hej kegÀí ueesie osneble kesÀ yeeo Yeer DeHeveer ke=Àefle Deewj DeJ³ekeÌle efmLeefle kesÀ Üeje Fme Oeje Hej meketÀve HewÀueeles jnles nQ~ oeoer He´keÀeMeceefCe peer efJeosner yevekeÀj Yeer meyekeÀer mce=efle³eeW ceW meoe efoJ³e yeveer jner~ oeoer peer ves DeHeves ³eLee veece leLee iegCe kesÀ Devegmeej SkeÀ Ssmeer efoJ³e DeeYee kesÀ ªHe ceW keÀe³e& efkeÀ³ee nw efpevekesÀ He´keÀeMe mes efvejeMee keÀe Ieesj lece mJe³ecesJe DeeMee kesÀ He´keÀeMe ceW HeefjCele nes peelee nw~ ceeveJe DeelceeSb HeefJe$e DevegYetefle Je meodiegCeeW mes mecHevve peerJeve peerves kesÀ efueS DevegHe´sefjle nesleer nQ~ Ssmeer ceneve efJeYetefle keÀe pevce meved 1922 ceW DeefJeYeeefpele Yeejle kesÀ efmebOe He´eble kesÀ nwojeyeeo Menj ceW ngDee Lee~ meved 1936 ceW 14 Je<e& keÀer keÀesceue Dee³eg ceW ner He´peeefHelee ye´ïee kesÀ meekeÀej leve ceW DeJeleefjle ngS Hejceelcee efMeJe keÀes Hen®eeve efue³ee Deewj GvneWves DeHevee peerJeve He´Yeg-DeefHe&le keÀj efo³ee~ veejer DeHeves efoJ³e MeefkeÌle ªHe ceW meekeÀej nes Gþer~ DeHeveer vewmeefie&keÀ He´efleYee, efoJ³e ¢ef<ì Deewj ceve-ceefmle<keÀ kesÀ efJeMes<e iegCeeW keÀer menpe Je=efÊe kesÀ keÀejCe oeoer peer ves efJeMJe kesÀ keÀesves-keÀesves ceW F&MJejer³e mebosMe keÀes HewÀueeves ceW meJe& He´cegKe YetefcekeÀe efveYeeF&~ meved 1969 ceW DeO³eelce keÀer ceMeeue He´peeefHelee ye´ïee ves oeoer peer keÀes meeQHe efo³ee Je mJe³eb mecHetCe&lee keÀer Deesj Fme HeeefLe&Je Mejerj keÀes íesæ[ Deie´mej nes ieS~ oeoer peer ves mebmLee kesÀ meJee¥ieberCe efJekeÀeme keÀe ceeie& Keesue efo³ee~ oeoer peer kesÀ meg³eesi³e vesle=lJe ceW F&MJejer³e efJeMJe efJeÐeeue³e keÀe HeuueJeve Debleje&<ì^er³e mlej Hej DeeYee efyeKesjves ueiee~ meceepe keÀe yegef×peerJeer keÀnueeves Jeeuee Jeie& DeeO³eeeflcekeÀ lejbieeW mes Jew®eeefjkeÀ ke´Àebefle kesÀ mJeªHe keÀe oMe&ve keÀjves ueiee~ Flevee ner veneR, oeoer peer ves 5000 mes Yeer DeefOekeÀ meceefHe&le efMeef#ekeÀeDeeW keÀes lew³eej keÀjves ceW meHeÀuelee He´eHle keÀer~ oeoer peer kesÀ He´ieefle-HeLe Hej efvejblej veS Dee³eece mLeeefHele keÀjves kesÀ meHeÀue DevegyebOe SJeb cesOeeJeer He´Meemeve kesÀ HeÀuemJeªHe He´peeefHelee ye´ïeekegÀceejer F&MJejer³e efJeMJe efJeÐeeue³e keÀes meb³egkeÌle je<ì^ mebIe ves iewj mejkeÀejer mebmLee kesÀ leewj Hej DeeefLe&keÀ SJeb meeceeefpekeÀ Heefj<eo keÀe HejeceMe&keÀ meom³e yevee³ee SJeb ³etefvemesHeÀ kesÀ keÀe³eeX ceW Yeer DeHeveer menYeeefielee efveYeeF&~ mebmLee ves efJeMJe Meebefle nsleg keÀF& j®eveelcekeÀ SJeb meeLe&keÀ keÀe³e&ke´Àce Debleje&<ì^er³e mlej Hej Dee³eesefpele efkeÀS~ GvekeÀer GHeeos³elee keÀes osKekeÀj meb³egkeÌle je<ì^ mebIe ves meved 1987 ceW Meebefle HeokeÀ He´oeve efkeÀ³ee leLee 5 je<ì^er³e mlej kesÀ Meebefleotle HegjmkeÀej He´oeve efkeÀS~ oeoer peer ves meb³egkeÌle je<ì^ kesÀ DeveskeÀ keÀe³e&ke´ÀceeW keÀes He´mleeefJele ªHe ceW ®eefjleeLe& efkeÀ³ee, pewmes
1. Debleje&<ì^er³e Meebefle Je<e& ceW efceefue³eve efceefveìdme Dee@HeÀ Heerme DeHeerue~
2. Debleje&<ì^er³e ³egJee Je<e& ceW ³egJee GlmeJeeW SJeb ³egJee Heo-³ee$eeDeeW keÀe Dee³eespeve~
3. Debleje&<ì^er³e ceefnuee Je<e& ceW ceefnuee peeiejCe DeefYe³eeve Deewj meccesueve~
4. Debleje&<ì^er³e mee#ejlee Je<e& ceW DeveskeÀ mee#ejlee DeefYe³eeveeW keÀe Dee³eespeve~
Fve keÀe³e&ke´ÀceeW mes efJeMJe kesÀ Oejeleue Hej ®eelegefo&keÀ He´YeeJe Heæ[e Deewj peveceeveme ceW SkeÀ veF& ®eslevee peeie=le ngF&~ DeO³eelce kesÀ He´keÀeMe keÀes peve-peve lekeÀ Hengb®eeves nsleg oeoer peer Üeje DeekeÀeMeJeeCeer Hej mewkeÀæ[eW Jeelee&Sb leLee otjoMe&ve Hej mee#eelkeÀej efoS ieS~ oeoer peer ves efJeefYevve peeefle, Jeie&, jbie-Yeso keÀes otj keÀjves kesÀ efueS efJeMJe JeeCeer ietbpeer Deewj ceeveJelee ceW efJeMJe-yebOeglJe keÀe Go³e ngDee~ Yeejle kesÀ efJeefYevve jep³eeW kesÀ jep³eHeeueeW ves oeoer peer keÀe jepekeÀer³e mecceeve jepeYeJeveeW ceW efkeÀ³ee~ jepemLeeve kesÀ jep³eHeeue ceneceefnce [e@. Sce.®evvee js·er, ceneje<ì^ kesÀ jep³eHeeue ceneceefnce meer. megye´ceC³ece ves efHe´³eoefMe&veer DekeÀeoceer kesÀ Üeje Dee³eesefpele meceejesn ceW iueesyeue Heerme nsleg ì^e@HeÀer He´oeve keÀj GvnW mecceeefvele efkeÀ³ee~ Gæ[ermee, keÀvee&ìkeÀ, iegpejele, GÊej He´osMe, Hebpeeye, nefj³eeCee, ®eb[erieæ{ ves jepekeÀer³e DeefleefLe kesÀ ªHe ceW oeoer peer keÀe mecceeve efkeÀ³ee~ efJeefYevve osMe-efJeosMe kesÀ veiej He´cegKeeW ves oeoer peer kesÀ mecceeve ceW efmeìer ces[ue He´oeve keÀj ieewjJe keÀe DevegYeJe efkeÀ³ee~ efMekeÀeiees ceW efJeMJe Oece& mebmeo Meleeyoer keÀe³e&ke´Àce ceW oeoer peer keÀes ceveesveerle DeO³e#e kesÀ ªHe ceW Deecebef$ele efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ oeoer peer Üeje DeeO³eeeflcekeÀ Je veweflekeÀ cetu³eeW keÀer efMe#ee kesÀ efJekeÀeme keÀes meeceves jKeles ngS ceesnveueeue megKeeef[æ³ee efJeMJeefJeÐeeue³e, Go³eHegj ves [e@keÌìjsì keÀer ceeveod GHeeefOe oskeÀj mecceeefvele efkeÀ³ee~ meeceeefpekeÀ mesJeeDeeW kesÀ Glke=À<ì keÀe³eeX kesÀ efueS ceneje<ì^ kesÀ cegK³eceb$eer Mejo HeJeej ves pJeeFvìdme Debleje&<ì^er³e HegjmkeÀej 1994 YeWì efkeÀ³ee~ oeoer peer ves cee$e ³ee$eeSb ner veneR efkeÀ yeefukeÀ ceeveJelee keÀes DebOekeÀej mes He´keÀeMe keÀer Deesj ues peeves kesÀ efueS DeveskeÀ ceeie& Yeer Keesues~ jepe³eesie efMe#ee SJeb MeesOe mebmLeeve keÀer mLeeHevee keÀer, peneb meceepe kesÀ efJeefYevve JeieeX keÀer mesJeeDeeW keÀes O³eeve ceW jKeles ngS 18 He´Yeeie efveefce&le efkeÀS ieS Deewj Gve He´YeeieeW ceW efMe#eeefJeod He´Yeeie, ³egJee He´Yeeie, mJeemL³e He´Yeeie, J³eeJemeeef³ekeÀ He´Yeeie, meceepe mesJee He´Yeeie, meebmke=ÀeflekeÀ He´Yeeie, v³eeef³ekeÀ He´Yeeie, He´MeemeefvekeÀ He´Yeeie Deeefo He´cegKe nQ efpevekesÀ Debleie&le DeO³eelce keÀe mecevJe³e Je MeesOe ngDee pees efkeÀ He´eCeer cee$e keÀes DeO³eelce keÀe yeesOe osves ceW me#ece nw~ efJeefYevve #es$eeW ceW Debleje&<ì^er³e ceneslmeJe Je meccesueveeW keÀe Dee³eespeve oeoer peer kesÀ vesle=lJe ceW ye´ïeekegÀceejerp]e kesÀ Debleje&<ì^e³re cegK³eeue³e Deeyet HeJe&le ceW efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ FmekesÀ meeLe ner meeLe osMe-efJeosMe kesÀ He´cegKe veiejeW ceW Yeer Fve meccesueveeW keÀe Dee³eespeve efkeÀ³ee ie³ee~ Flevee ner veneR, mee#ej SJeb efvej#ej oesveeW kesÀ efueS menpe ie´e¿e ef®e$ekeÀuee, cetefle& keÀuee Üeje DeeO³eeeflcekeÀ yeesOe kesÀ keÀjeves kesÀ efueS ef®e$eeW Üeje efJeMeeue ®eefj$e efvecee&Ce nsleg cesueeW keÀe Dee³eespeve leLee mebie´neue³eeW keÀe efvecee&Ce oeoer peer kesÀ kegÀMeue vesle=lJe ceW mecHevve ngDee~ ®eefj$eJeeve, peeieªkeÀ Je veweflekeÀ yeue mes mecHevve ³egJee meceepe keÀes efceueW - Fme nsleg íe$eeJeemeeW keÀer j®evee keÀer ieF& leLee Debleje&<ì^er³e mlej Hej meodYeeJe mebJe×&ve nsleg JewefMJekeÀ meove keÀer mLeeHevee keÀer ieF& leLee DeekeÌmeHeÀes[& ceW, DeefKeue efJeMJe efJeÞeeefvle keWÀê, v³et³eeke&À, efMekeÀeiees, efme[veer Fl³eeefo ceW Keesues ieS~ Ssmeer efJeMeeue Ëo³e J³eefkeÌlelJe keÀer Oeveer Leer oeoer He´keÀeMeceefCe peer~ efpevekesÀ oMe&ve cee$e mes ner ogëKe, DeMeebefle SJeb ef®ebleeSb keÀesmeeW otj nes peeleer Leer~ DeeHe meyekesÀ efoueeW ceW Decej nQ~ Ssmeer ceneve efJeYetefle oeoer peer ves 25 Deiemle, 2007 keÀes DeHeves YeewweflekeÀ osn keÀe l³eeie keÀj veF& ogefve³ee kesÀ efvecee&Ce nsleg DeJ³ekeÌle ³ee$ee keÀes He´mLeeve efkeÀ³ee~ Þe×ecetefle& oeoer peer HeeJevelee keÀer He´eflecetefle& nQ~ GvnW meJe& F&MJejer³e HeefjJeej SJeb osMe-efJeosMe keÀer Deesj mes Meled-Meled veceve~

F&MJejer³e mesJee ceW .....................................

Murli of August 21, 2012


Essence: Sweet children, the sweet Father has come to remove you from this bitter world and to make you sweet. Therefore, become very, very sweet.

Question: Why do you children dislike this old world?

Answer: Because this world has become the extreme depths of hell. Everyone within it is bitter. Impure ones are called bitter. All are floundering in the river of poison. This is why you dislike it.

Question: People make two mistakes in one of the questions they ask. What is the question and what are the mistakes?

Answer: People ask: How can my mind become peaceful? This is the first mistake because until a soul becomes separated from the body, how could he receive peace? The second mistake they make is when they say that God has many forms and omnipresent. If God is omnipresent, then who is it that needs peace and who can give it?

Essence for dharna:
1. Stay in remembrance of the Father and eat pure food. Take great precautions about anything impure. Follow Mama and Baba and make effort to become pure.
2. Wake up early in the morning and remember the sweet Father and the sweet kingdom. Settle all your karmic accounts at this time of settlement with remembrance of the Father.
Blessing: May you be one who has determined thoughts and keeps the flag of the Father's revelation hoisted in your heart at every moment.

Just as it enters everyone's heart because of love that they definitely have to reveal the Father, in the same way, hoist the flag of revelation in your heart through your thoughts, words and deeds. Constantly perform the dance of happiness, not that you are sometimes happy and sometimes sad. Imbibe such a determined thought, that is, make a vow that for as long as you live, you are going to remain happy. Let the song automatically continue to be played, "Sweet Baba, lovely Baba, my Baba" and the flag of revelation will begin to fly.

Slogan: In order to become a destroyer of obstacles become full of all powers.


मुरली सार:- ''मीठे बच्चे - स्वीट बाप आया है तुम बच्चों को इस कडुवी दुनिया से निकाल स्वीट बनाने, इसलिए बहुत-बहुत स्वीट (मीठे) बनो''
प्रश्न: अभी तुम बच्चों को इस पुरानी दुनिया से नफ़रत क्यों आई है?
उत्तर: क्योंकि यह दुनिया कुम्भी पाक नर्क बन गई है, इसमें सब कडुवे हैं। कडुवा पतित को कहा जाता है। सब विषय वैतरणी नदी में गोता खाते रहते हैं, इसलिए तुम्हें अब इससे नफ़रत आती है।
प्रश्न:- मनुष्यों के एक ही प्रश्न में दो भूलें हैं, वह कौन सा प्रश्न और कौन सी भूलें?
उत्तर:- मनुष्य कहते हैं मेरे मन को शान्ति कैसे हो? इसमें पहली भूल मन शान्त कैसे हो सकता - जब तक वह शरीर से अलग न हो और दूसरी भूल जबकि कहते हैं ईश्वर के सब रूप हैं, परमात्मा सर्वव्यापी है फिर शान्ति किसको चाहिए और कौन दे?

धारणा के लिए मुख्य सार:
बाप की याद में रह पवित्र, शुद्ध भोजन खाना है। अशुद्धि से बहुत-बहुत परहेज रखनी है। मम्मा बाबा को फालो कर पवित्र बनने का पुरूषार्थ करना है।
सवेरे-सवेरे उठ स्वीट बाप को और स्वीट राजधानी को याद करना है। इस कयामत के समय में बाप की याद से ही सब हिसाब-किताब चुक्तू करने हैं।

वरदान: हर समय अपने दिल में बाप की प्रत्यक्षता का झण्डा लहराने वाले दृढ़ संकल्पधारी भव

जैसे स्नेह के कारण हर एक के दिल में आता है कि हमें बाप को प्रत्यक्ष करना ही है। ऐसे अपने संकल्प, बोल और कर्म द्वारा दिल में प्रत्यक्षता का झण्डा लहराओ, सदा खुश रहने की डांस करो, कभी खुश, कभी उदास-यह नहीं। ऐसा दृढ़ संकल्प अर्थात् व्रत धारण करो कि जब तक जीना है तब तक खुश रहना है। मीठा बाबा, प्यारा बाबा, मेरा बाबा - यही गीत आटोमिटिक बजता रहे तो प्रत्यक्षता का झण्डा लहराने लगेगा।

स्लोगन: विघ्न विनाशक बनना है तो सर्व शक्तियों से सम्पन्न बनो।

Dadi Janki 19.8.12 morning class

Dadi Janki 18.8.12 – GRC, European Teachers Retreat
The Benefit of Truth and Cleanliness
Baba gives such murlis where he is reminding us of what is the golden age and how it will be there. Baba used to stay awake at night to finish off the distress and sorrow of the world and, secondly, to bring about the golden aged world. Become conquerors of sleep. Previously we used to sit in front of the pictures of the cycle and the tree in the History Hall during amrit vela. Now we sit in front of Baba. It is from Baba that we receive the knowledge of the beginning, continuation and end. Only when all souls have gone back home can the world be called the golden age. These are very delightful and wonderful things. It was Brahma Baba who had studied the scriptures but Shiv Baba who explained the significance in such a way that no human being could have interpreted them. Set aside all other concerns. Baba has so much concern for our sustenance. You receive full sustenance here. To copy Madhuban is to copy Baba. There is no meeting of the Ganges and the Ocean, but there is the meeting between the Brahmaputra River and the Ocean. In the Kumbha Mela, there are three rivers, the Ganges, Jamuna and Sindh Saraswati.

Some have done such service, that they have created their memorial. We need to have truth and humility, and also the quality of harmonizing with all. We are sitting at the wonderful gathering of confluence age. We are sitting in the great gathering here, with a variety of children who all have visible love for Baba. When there is love for one another and service is done together, one likes to be present in that kind of gathering.  We have time, money and energy to use well and not to be wasted. We have family feeling. It is our duty to tell people the truth. Whether in Bharat or foreign lands, our role of doing service has changed.

Make good effort to understand the depth of 'Who am I?' Make such effort that you become very royal and real and then the conscience will not bite internally. Effort means that I should closely observe my thoughts, words and actions. If there is a mistake, immediately ask for forgiveness. No need to sit and cry about it or make it bigger than it is. We have to bow, learn and die. You can accept that you are wrong, but not regret to such an extent that you give yourself a headache. Keep a lot of patience, which is what is needed to make the thoughts pure, elevated, clean and determined. Be careful that no impure thoughts arise. There is still time. We are receiving such elevated knowledge to be inculcated now. We have to clean our mirror, so that we can see what we have to do. If I look at others' activity, my mirror becomes dirty. If I look at others' weaknesses, I am unable to see my own, because it dirties my mirror. Then it becomes progressively more dirty. In order to make yourself good, know about shadows, omens and the canopy.

Sometimes there is a little bit of a shadow over the head and we are not able to do as well as we could. Keep your eyes wide open and your heart so clean, so that the remembrance of Baba keeps pulling you. Let there be increasing enthusiasm for moving forward. These things are missing when there is a shadow. Because of lack of attention, you come under the influence of another person. It's not a spirit, but it's the shadow of someone's influence. The conscience isn't clear and cannot be used properly to discern. It is very harmful and dangerous to be in this state of being influenced. You should avoid the company of such souls, have powerful yoga so that they are freed from their negative omens and also you don't come under that negative influence.

Always have this feeling in your heart and mind of the eight powers. Not first in the head, but in your heart and then this is visible through your eyes. The heart is happy, the eyes are cool and nature is simple. This is the meaning of effort. Not happy just like that, but happiness that arises through deep understanding. Keep your heart clean and make yourself truthful. To keep yourself clean is a separate duty. In an instant, place yourself personally in front of Baba and clean your heart. When there is cleanliness, there are no infections. In a gathering some get infections easily. Then they don't feel comfortable. But this doesn't happen to those who have a clean heart. With infection, you have to take such medicines that they weaken you.

You can have a life like a diamond through having a clean heart. The cowrie shell has no value. By inculcating values in life, you have a life like a diamond. Baba said that the Supreme Soul has His part filled in Him and we have our part. The matter of great happiness is that we know this part. The jeweller knows how valuable each diamond is. Baba had this intoxication in his lokik life. This is the gathering of jewels, diamonds and pearls. Valuable ones do not come under influences quickly. They won't make hasty deals. Baba's words were often, 'Wait and see'. You are all wise. You don't react quickly to things. You are mature, deep and intelligent. Someone who is truthful has strength. There is power in truth. It is Baba who has made me true. Truthfulness destroys blind faith and places pure true feelings in us.

Who is ready to do service that will open people's eyes? When your heart is clean, there will be no infection. You will be healthy, wealthy and happy. This is the benefit of cleanliness. Baba is the Bestower. He teaches us to be bestowers. Find ten minutes to revise the murli - with others or even alone. This will bring you close together and you will not forget these churnings. To discuss knowledge is good, because otherwise you get caught up in wasteful and harmful conversations. Do not get involved in waste discussions. When the knowledge is dripping from your mouth, then wherever you go, with whomsoever you share it, they will ask you to come back. Then people will get the feeling to serve the yagya in some way. Baba is happy when we do service with a true heart. I become happy and so does the one being served. He is the Bestower of Blessings and the Bestower of Fortune. First give the donation of knowledge, donate virtues, give time. Then a person's fortune opens up and they are able to start receiving blessings from Baba. You are receiving these blessings from Baba and are using them in service. There is great strength in Baba's words. You get strength do this in a practical way and won't waste time thinking about it.

In a second remove from your thinking the words, 'Why did it happen?' It's OK, it won't happen again. Then the mind will have time to do true service.

Om shanti

Dadi Janki - 19.8.12 - GCH (am)
We are becoming complete, so continue to grow and give
When I sit to offer bhog there is the pull to Baba, then the thought that everyone should reach the subtle region.  Do you have this feeling of being pulled up there? You are sitting here but have the experience of sitting on top of the globe, serving the world. Are the things that Baba is saying in the murli in my life?  Baba says: Be bestowers and not ones who ask for anything. No power should be lacking in the soul; there should be the thought: 'I am the child of the Master Almighty Authority and I have received power from the Father'. We have nothing else to do except be happy and give happiness to others. This happiness never reduces, however much we use it.  No thief can steal it.  This is eternal and imperishable happiness. 
Q: There are a few souls who have the ability to say something and it happens.  Do we have to make effort for this stage, or is it a blessing from Baba? How do we attain this?
Dadi says there are few like this but we can become like it.  It is not a matter of effort - just to think and do. To develop this quality there needs to be faith and trust in oneself, Baba and the task, then everything happens. The bhavna (pure feeling) makes us feel whatever has happened is very good and whatever is to happen will be even better - then our activity naturally becomes filled with virtues. Our words will be elevated and not ordinary. Deities give the fruit that is desired by the mind. Brahmins who are the children of God emerge words of truth without selfishness. Whatever Baba says happens.  Baba said there would be expansion. When Baba became avyakt He said that the murli would be revised. Baba tells us in advance what will happen. Sakar Baba, Incorporeal Baba and Angelic Baba are all with me. Baba says He takes the support of the body, but he made Brahma Baba completely His. Brahma Baba gave the body on loan and Shiv Baba become the master and took over. Brahma Baba said that he would not become a king simply by receiving the rent from the One occupying the body. We sit in front of the tree and the cycle but should we sit in front of Brahma Baba, in whom all knowledge is merged?   Churning needs to be so elevated that others will not forget the knowledge. When you come into contact and relationship with others, share these elevated versions. People will not forget. Through an experience of Brahmins and Brahmin life, many take a jump. We have to be the incarnation of truth and honesty. If there is body consciousness there will not be success. 
Q: Baba says we have to give visions, is there some special effort we need to make in order to give visions? 
One who gives visions becomes Baba's worthy child, because they follow the father. Whatever Baba tells us to do, we put on our head and do that. The results of this are very good. Such a child is always obedient and faithful. No one will be pulled to remember them or will attract them. We are all children of the Supreme Soul. In our actions and relationships, our behaviour reveals that this is godly service and we are all receiving from Baba directly. Automatically people experience Baba through our actions and our relationships with Baba. It is not that anyone has the intention to give visions but through their face and activity they will reveal the Father. It is not just a vision of light but the soul becomes light and receives might.   When a soul has visions, they see so much light. This is because we receive light and become powerful and souls then receive this light and are drawn to Baba. They don't have to make effort with the intellect - automatically there is faith. 
When service began in the foreign lands we were aware that Baba had taught us for the benefit of the whole world. I value the study so much. We are the children of the Father who is the Bestower of the knowledge of the Gita. Are you intoxicated by this knowledge? What is the difference between intoxication and happiness? With constant intoxication the soul can give visions. With the internal chant of 'Let me live in your lane and die in your lane' there will be a deep feeling. 
Q: Often Baba says that each one in themselves is very good but there seems to be a gap of love and respect when we connect with each other.  What is the missing link?
Each one should have the feeling from the godly family that this soul is my well wisher – no matter what they are like. Then it will happen. To see someone else's defect or mistake and speak about it is a big mistake for which you will suffer, because no one will see your goodness. Many are experiencing this punishment. Through the happiness that comes through honesty and good relationships we can become bestowers of happiness. Seeing the weaknesses of others denies us this experience.  We are becoming complete and everyone has some type of speciality; that is why we are here.  Do not forget your personal income and do not get into 'So and so did this 'type of thinking. The ego of 'I' and doubt and suspicion are serious illnesses. We need to become perfect and complete and with an internal chant for this create a beautiful atmosphere in all four directions, then Baba will give us blessings.
If I have good bhavna for service and for my personal stage and have good attention, then, even if there is some weakness in me, Baba will give a signal through someone or another and enable me to remove it.  Whom will I smile and laugh with and who will I cry with? My Baba is my Companion and is with me and I am playing my part. So if I have made a mistake I need admit it and then Baba will say: OK, child, forget it. To think 'So what if I said something?' is careless. Another incognito aspect is that I cannot make effort when I compare myself with anyone: 'That one is making good effort and I will make the same.'  Baba makes us free and independent.  If I am comparing myself with someone in my effort then I have forgotten that I belong to Baba. 
Each one is doing what they can. Maintain a merciful and generous heart. Do good and there will be good. Such a slogan does the trick of working on us. If I think badly of anyone, it will manifest in me and we don't see our own weaknesses. Have a pure attitude and vision and then you can become an embodiment of visions and all difficulties will go away. Even if the body is sick, the soul will become well. Baba sacrifices Himself to those with a generous and merciful heart. One who does service with an honest heart is in the heart of the Comforter of hearts - and the intellect feels this too. 
Q: Our stage should be such that whoever comes in front of us we should be able to catch what is in their mind.  Yet there is often so much rubbish in people's minds. Why should I want to catch this?
If someone throws rubbish outside another's house or on the road, there would be a fine. I am not a dustbin and no one has the power to throw their rubbish at me. To have that much self respect is to have a strong stage. What do waste collectors do? They collect the refuse and then compact it or burn it. So do not keep any rubbish in the self or talk about rubbish.    Baba tells us to value our time and thoughts.  Do not waste time in useless matters. Who will lose out?  I will.  It is important that I use my time remembering the things Baba has told me. When I pay attention to my dharna, I become tension free and then I am able to keep attention on what Baba is telling me. Any future service will then be without tension and there is faith that it will turn out well. If even one hour goes by with tension, it will become a habit.  Maya takes us into long stories. Make sure the amazing points of knowledge that Baba shares each day are sitting in your intellect, so you are not thinking of things that attract.
Keep your hand with the Hand of The Bestower of Fortune and sit on the globe.  Continue to grow and give. 


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