Media Conference & Exhibition – 2012
Conclusion & Resolution
A 4-day Media Conference &
Exhibition-2012 on “Restoring Golden Era: Role of Media” was organized by the
Media Wing of Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation and Prajapita Brahma
Kumaris Iswariya Vishwa Vidyalaya at latter’s Shantivan Complex, Abu Road, Rajasthan
from 21st to 24th September, 2012 Over 1800 journalists, media professionals
and academicians representing print, electronic, film, cyber and promotional
media from all over India & Nepal attended this Mega Media Meet. Deliberating
through five open sessions, five parallel sessions and after undergoing inner
empowerment experiences in two insight sessions and three rajyoga meditation sessions,
the conference delegates and dignitaries arrived at the following conclusions
and resolution.