Positive Thoughts: June 09, 2015: Expand My Heart
Expand My Heart
To welcome an enemy is to
take the opportunity to expand my heart.
Responsibility is to honor the role that has been entrusted and
perform it to the best of one's ability. Just as the actor accepts
whatever role he is given and performs to the best of his ability, in
the same way taking up responsibility for one's life is to accept and
honor the role so that the performance is the best under all
circumstances. The result is that time and resources are utilized to
bring maximum benefit. Each day let us remind ourselves that we are
good actors who bring out the best of whatever role we get. Instead
of thinking of what we don't have, we need to start looking at what we
have and using it in the best possible way.
perform it to the best of one's ability. Just as the actor accepts
whatever role he is given and performs to the best of his ability, in
the same way taking up responsibility for one's life is to accept and
honor the role so that the performance is the best under all
circumstances. The result is that time and resources are utilized to
bring maximum benefit. Each day let us remind ourselves that we are
good actors who bring out the best of whatever role we get. Instead
of thinking of what we don't have, we need to start looking at what we
have and using it in the best possible way.
Invisible Impressions That Shape Me
While the mind and intellect are two faculties of the soul which play their role on the surface of our consciousness; at a deeper level, hidden beneath these two faculties, there lies a third faculty commonly called the sanskaras. The sanskaras is not only a store house of personality traits, as we commonly know it to be, but a store house of millions and millions of impressions or imprints. Such a large number of impressions are created by millions of experiences that I go through my sense organs not only in this life but in all my lifetimes. Everything that I hear, see, touch, taste, etc. I process or analyze or summarize in my own unique way; basically I give the experiences a unique form depending on my personality, before this form gets stored in the form of impressions inside me. I even process my subtle experiences, which are in the form of thoughts and feelings.
This process of experiencing and processing takes place during each and every second of my life including the time I sleep, when my mind may not be experiencing a lot but it is busy processing the physical and subtle experiences of the day that has gone by and storing the processed information in the form of impressions. From this, one can get an idea of the magnitude of the database of impressions stored within me, the being. These imprints which are unique to me, make up my sanskaras, and shape up my unique personality in a cyclic process. My personality shapes what type of impressions are created out of my experiences and the impressions in turn shape my personality, my thoughts, words and actions e.g. if I constantly keep the company of people who gossip, a large number of respective impressions based on the experience of gossiping keep getting stored inside me, which in turn influence my personality, the personality characteristic gets stronger and over a period of time I do not find anything wrong with it and indulge in it more and more. As a result more such impressions get stored. Thus it is a cyclic process.
Soul Sustenance
Fulfilling the Criteria of Positivity (cont.)
In yesterday’s message we defined positivity and negativity from a spiritual perspective. Further elaborating, negativity hides my truth, and causes me to take incorrect steps during the day, without realizing, hurting myself and others yet not knowing how or why. At the level of non-physical spiritual vibrations, we are all connected with each other, as a result of which if I help others to come close to the experience of truth, a state in which the other is an embodiment of the virtues of peace, love, joy, purity and power (as defined yesterday), I will also help myself: whereas if I bring others down into a state of falsehood, the opposite, that will also bring me down. Whenever I give another soul an experience of any of these virtues, the virtue first flows through me and then touches the other. As a result there is an increase in the virtue inside me first and then the other is benefitted.
In the entire day, my words and actions may be numbered, but my thoughts are in thousands. My mind works, even when I sleep, even though I am not active physically at that time. The quality of my thoughts at that time is largely influenced by the quality of my thoughts, words and actions during the day. So I need to be aware throughout the day as to how much is each thought, word and action of mine fulfilling the criteria of positivity i.e. bringing me and others closer to a state of truth. The more my thoughts, words and actions do so; the result is an increase in an experience of inner and outer lightness in the self and a similar experience from me to those who come into my contact or whom I interact with.
Message for the day
The language of silence is more powerful than the sound of words.
Projection: When something is expressed in silence, it is with the power of thoughts. Such thoughts spread positive vibrations and reach out to the others, in such a way that even the words can't. Also when such kind of positive actions are added to the positive thoughts, the desired effect of that is seen. Then the words are not needed to express good intentions and good wishes.
Solution: When I am able to express myself through the language of silence, I am able to be free from expectations for others to listen to what I am saying. I will only be silently communicating whatever I have to through my good wishes and inspiring others through my positive actions. So I am able to remain content and light, even when I have not yet seen the result of my communication.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
The language of silence is more powerful than the sound of words.
Projection: When something is expressed in silence, it is with the power of thoughts. Such thoughts spread positive vibrations and reach out to the others, in such a way that even the words can't. Also when such kind of positive actions are added to the positive thoughts, the desired effect of that is seen. Then the words are not needed to express good intentions and good wishes.
Solution: When I am able to express myself through the language of silence, I am able to be free from expectations for others to listen to what I am saying. I will only be silently communicating whatever I have to through my good wishes and inspiring others through my positive actions. So I am able to remain content and light, even when I have not yet seen the result of my communication.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
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