(1) Each day at
Amritvela, you should not think that you have emerged from sleep, but instead,
you should think that you have incarnated from shantidham (the land of peace,
the soul world) in order to do your work.
(2) From the moment you open your eyes the first transformation should be, I am a soul; I am not this body. This is the first thought of the first second when you awaken.
(3) Baba is the magnet and so, automatically, the soul that is, clean is able to very close.
(4) In the early morning hours of nectar, Baba gives blessings. If everyday you continue to take these blessings then weakness can never come.
(5) In the early morning of nectar, you can receive whatever it is that you wish. This is the special time that has been fixed for Brahmins. No matter how important a person may be, he will always keep a special time reserved for his own family.
(6) Each day, in the early morning hours of nectar think of one point of happiness and that happiness will remain with you throughout the day.
(7) It is at the time of the early morning hours that you should see the fortune of the self.
(8) To fulfill the responsibility of love means to achieve all things. If the soul does not know how to fulfill the responsibility of love, then it will also not be able to attain anything.
(9) As soon as you awaken, the first thing you must do is talk to the father with great sweetness. Throughout the day also, you should check yourself from time to time ‘’Am I with the Father?’’
(10) Responsibility is always placed on those who are senior. So place your responsibility on Baba and you will experience yourself to be constantly happy. For 24 hours of the day and night, you will dance like the angels, that is you will be dancing with your mind. To come into body consciousness means human; to be soul conscious means to be an angel.
(11) Why does sleepiness come?
Ans… Lack of churning in the day time. AMRITVELA (Vardani Vela)
(12) To renounce sleep means that you yourself become gold.
(13) How can I increase my enthusiasm for amrit vela meditation? How can I overcome laziness?
Ans … When you sit for yoga, you should go on a tour – sometimes go to the soul world,sometimes to Madhuban, and sometimes to the subtle regions. You can also churn points for service. There should not be the stage of mere silence, but you should go on tour. If there is laziness, then walk around so that you become fresh.
(14) Amrit vela is the time to practice using the divine intellect. Bapdada gives to each child the lift of the divine intellect in the form of a gift. Everyone receives such a gift, but not everyone uses it to the same extent. This gift is very powerful and easily available and by using it, you are able to travel throughout the three worlds; switch on the switch of remembrance and, within a second, you are there.
(15) Why should I make effort to acquire a divine intellect?
Ans… The divine intellect makes it easy for the soul to inculcate Baba’s teachings – there is no need to make effort. But, there must be no influence of impurity. Is even the slightest influence of rajo or tamo (impurity), then, instead of being the embodiment of inculcation, you come under the influence of Maya.
(17) The Godly, divine intellect always provides a canopy of protection, but maya casts her own shadow and then the canopy flies away and the shadow remains. That is why, you should check constantly, Is the gift given by the father always with you?
(18) The gift of the divine intellect is a spiritual aeroplane. By switching on, by using this divine aeroplane, you can reach wherever you choose in a second. The switch is to have a thought. The people of science are able to travel around just this one world, but you are able to travel around the three worlds.
(19) By correcting the divine intellect at amrit vela, the entire day will remain
powerful. If you are not able to correct it yourself, then have it corrected, but it should be corrected at amrit vela.
(20) What is the most effective method to reduce weight? A controlled diet and exercise. Here also, in order to become bodiless, you should exercise your intellect again and again; you should also give your intellect the food of controlled thoughts. You should take precautions so that you do not eat the food of wasteful thoughts. Self - control is needed for this.
(21) During the early morning of nectar, each one imbibes and is able to become the image of inculcation but this happens numberwise according to the individual capacity of the soul.
(22) At the time of the early morning hours of nectar, there are two particular forms that you should adopt; the image of inculcation, and the image of experience. These two forms are importance because it is especially in the early morning hours that Bapdada is the innocent Lord who fills all the treasure stores for the special children.
(23) The meeting in the early morning hours is not an official meeting. Baba is there in the form of the innocent Lord who bestows all treasures. At that time, Bapdada is free to speak to each one to their heart’s content. He isfree to listen to their requests, to erase their weaknesses, and to forgive numerous forms of sin.
(24) So recognize the value of the early morning hours of nectar, recognize that this is the time for easy attainment. Take full benefit from this time. Fill your apron with all rewards from the treasure store that is open in the early morning hours. Take whatever fortune you choose from the bestower of blessings and Bestower of fortune. In the early morning hours Baba is ready to draw for you the lines of destiny.
(25) As soon as it is the early morning hours of nectar, as soon as your eyes open, in a second take a jump and sit down with Baba. Then, because of the companionship, you will experience that all of Baba’s treasures are your treasures. Baba in the form of a friend, is now offering you the throne of all rights.
(26) If there is still attachment, or any kind of pull from anyone, then this proves that you are not experiencing all relationships and all achievements from Baba.
(27) Some children are so innocent that they are unable to discriminate between the achievement of Baba and the achievement of Maya. They are sleepy, and they consider that there was a very peaceful stage – the seed stage; they receive limited rest through sleep and they consider this to be supersensuous-joy.
(28) Throughout the day, you should continue to churn, you should play with the jewels of knowledge and then, in the early morning, by remembering these things of happiness, sleep will disappear and you will experience great happiness.
(29) When you sit for early morning meditation, you should become either a point of light or an angel. However, what tends to happen is that you just look at Baba and you do not change your own form; you try to see Baba as a point of light or as an angel but, without becoming equal to Baba in your stage, you are unable to experience the meeting with Him.
(30) If there has not been relationship, co-operation, or love for Bapdada over a period of time, then, at that moment, you will not be able to make the connection.
(31) What is the reason for there being this break in the connection? The main reason is that the account the soul created in thoughts, words, actions and connections throughout the previous day, has not been kept clearly in front of Baba – the soul has not emptied itself. If you keep both the good and bad news clearly in front of the One who has made you His instrument, then the burden will be removed; the intellect will become empty and karmic account of life will become clear.
(32) Each night, the children do not become light by keeping in front of Baba everything that has been done. For every good action, Baba will reserve for you one hundred fold. If there has been any waste, then by speaking of it, the burden will be removed from the self, and Baba will save the soul from building up a stock of waste for the future.
(33) What is that makes a heart-to-heart conversation enjoyable? It is when the conversation is between equals-loving companions. Baba is Avyakt(subtle) – He is double-light; so, if the one seeking to converse with Him is in gross consciousness, if their intellect is heavy and burdened, then how will it be possible for a heart-to-heart conversation to take place?
(34) Before going to bed, exchange the news of the entire day with your companion, or with the Father. By giving to Baba the news of the entire day, you will become light. Just as when you go to bed, the dress that you put on will be very light, so too, you should also be very light in your intellect-this is your light dress. You should go to bed with Baba wearing such a dress. Do not sleep alone. If you are alone then, Maya will take a chance. You should remain constantly in Baba’s company.
(35) When you go sleep at night, you should finish off any old accounts that are
remaining with the fire of yoga and with a powerful state of consciousness. You should settle these old accounts. If a businessman does not settle his accounts, then he goes into debt. The debt is known as the disease. In the same way, you should settle the account of actions, the account of thoughts, and the account of everything that has happened in the day. Do not keep anything for the next day in the form of debt, otherwise, this debt or-disease – you will make the intellect weak.
(36) Each day, you should settle your accounts, and then you can begin the new day. Let there be a new consciousness each day. By keeping your account of thoughts and actions very clear in this way, you will be able to become complete and you will be the image of success. If you are not able to settle your own accounts, then how will you be able to inspire others to finish their bondages and settle their accounts?
(37) It is the souls with honesty and cleanliness who are loved by God, loved by the people, and who are also loved by themselves. Everyone likes honesty and cleanliness.
(38) If you remember one title in the early morning hours and you keep churning this title, then, with this power of churning, the intellect will remain powerful. A powerful intellect cannot be invaded by Maya; it cannot be influenced or overpowered by anyone.
(39) Every day, in the early morning hours, this tilak of the three types of consciousness (the consciousness of the self, the consciousness of the father, the consciousness of the knowledge of drama) - this trident – should be checked. Then, throughout the day, Maya will not have the courage to erase your tilak. To have the three types of consciousness means to be the embodiment of an all – powerful consciousness. This is the tilak of power. In front of this powerful consciousness, Maya, in the form of waste thoughts, will end. The five forms of Maya will come before you as five servants – you will see then transformed.
(40) Fluctuation and tension in one’s life can be avoided if soul consciousness is practiced at amrit vela and attention is then paid throughout the rest of the day.
(41) In the early morning hours you should set your daily routine. If there is a programme that is not prepared in the right way, then it will not be successful.
Here, in the same way, if you do not set your daily routine in the early morning hours, then you will not be able to become the embodiment of success.
42) It should not be that you simply remember that knowledge of the soul, in addition, there should be the consciousness of being a soul, “ I am a soul, and the person next to me is also a soul” – this consciousness is the principal foundation of the code of disciplines. It is through this practice that the soul becomes free from obstacles and, with this elevated, powerful remembrance, you will become the instrument to spread powerful vibrations. Through this, others will also become free from obstacles.
(43) What is the yukti ( the method ) to achieve the state of being a natural yogi?
Ans — You should understand the importance of early morning hours of nectar. If a powerful stage is created in the early morning, this will then help you throughout the rest of the day; the life of that day will be filled with greatness. By filling yourself with power in advance, no matter how difficult a task may be, it will not seem to be difficult – it will seem to be easy. To miss the early morning hours is to neglect the importance of the special benefit that can be received at the confluence age. Continue to follow the Brahmin code of conduct and you will become an example in front of the world.
(44) It is at this time you receive the greatest injection of all. If you have linked your connection with Baba in the early morning hours of nectar, you will then remain safe from the unconsciousness of Maya throughout the whole day.
(45) The beginning of time for the whole day is the early morning hours, and if you renounce this beginning period and only awaken after sometime has passed- if you sit down and link your connection several hours later – then, according to the number of hours you are late here, you will be late there, this is because amrit vela is the special appointment time that Bapdada has given for meeting the children and it is the children who are given the first chance to meet Bapdada; later on, it is the time for the bhagats. So if you link your connection at the time that has been set aside for the bhagats, then you will not receive the blessings that would be given to a child.
(46) If you do not first of all make a plan in the early morning hours of nectar of what you are going to do. Then how will you be able to achieve what you seek in a practical form? Even lokik work is successful only when a proper plan has been made; without a proper plan, there can not be success.
(47) You have been told clearly of the effort that still remains. If you correct the early morning hours of nectar, then everything else will be corrected automatically. Just as it is said that by drinking nectar, the soul becomes immortal, so too, by successfully using the early morning hours of nectar, you can receive the blessings of the immortal state for the whole day.
(48) Awaken early, early in the morning and stay in the consciousness of your own angelic form and you will dance in happiness – no matter what situation may come to disturb you, your happiness will finish this off.
(49) During the early morning hours of nectar, apply to yourself the tilak of the Master Almighty Authority, the dot of sovereignty. If, throughout the entire day, you always keep this tilak with you, then Maya will not threaten you. The tilak is the sign of your victory. It is in the early morning hours of nectar that you receive blessings and, according to how much importance you give to the early morning hours of nectar, so you will become great.
(50) Let there be determination, hope and enthusiasm at amrit vela to say goodbye to all weaknesses.
(51) Each day, in the early morning hours of nectar, refresh yourself, remind yourself of these essential tasks and you will then receive the power of this throughout the day. If carelessness still comes, then punish yourself – separate yourself from that which you love the most, the task that you most enjoy. There will be repentance. If you repent now, then you will not have to repent later on.
(52) Each day, in the early morning hours, revise your praise. Baba’s task and your task; make this an essential discipline. Carelessness comes when you consider something to be only a direction and you have not yet made it into a personal discipline.
(53) The main subject of study is that you should make your stage as subtle as possible. Just as you know how to go into extension, so too, for the subtle stage, you need to practice so that you are able to pack up and merge the extension whenever you wish. Go into the extension of knowledge, but then merge that extension and become the embodiment of knowledge – become a seed. You should practice this because, by going into extension, a great deal of time is wasted and thoughts are also wasted. To help you in this, set yourself a time table. Just as you have a time table for physical activities, so too, from the time of early morning hours of nectar, you should set yourself a time table for the upliftment of the soul. By working according to a time table, you will be able to accomplish numerous tasks in a single day.
(54) In order to keep your intellect busy, you should set a time table for yourself. From the early morning hours, you should keep a point in your consciousness. Set a time table; become teacher of the self and set yourself homework. Be the observer of the self – “Am I busy in doing my homework? There will then, no longer be the complaint that there are wasteful thoughts.
(55) During the early morning hours of nectar, there is the power to experience the meeting, the power to accept and to imbibe, and the power to catch the pure thoughts of special inspiration from Baba each day; these powers are most essential. During the early morning hours of nectar, each one imbibes and is able to become the image of inculcation but this happens numberwise according to the individual capacity of the soul.
(56) Be particularly alert at amrit vela and have the thought of asking Baba for advice. If you sit in remembrance in this way, you will see that you do receive a reply. As yet, you have not experienced this. Just as you would run straightaway to Sakar Baba, so too, in the same way, bring avyakt Bapdada close to yourself. You will then have the same experience as you had when Baba was in Sakar form.
(57) If any child remembers Baba with love, then the thought will reach Baba; but the time takes for this to happen will be determined by the degree to which the soul has become viceless. A thought arises, and then the greater the power of being viceless, the faster the message reaches Bapdada. Bapdada, at that moment gives a reply to all matters as immediate fruit.
(58) Always remember: “whatever belongs to Baba, also belongs to me. My Baba, my service – Baba’s task is my task. Baba’s virtues are my virtues; Baba’s sanskars, virtues and elevated actions are mine also.” In this way, you become the Master of Baba’s property. “Whatever belongs to Baba, belongs to me,” there will then be great happiness and confusion will not come in your mind.
(59) Try to keep the problem just between you and Baba. Baba will give you guidance if you meet Him in the subtle Regions, but to experience this meeting you must adopt your own subtle form – a form that is equal to Baba – and you must go completely beyond the influence of body consciousness.
(60) The meeting becomes impossible because you want to bring mud with yourself – this body is the mud. Yes, when you want to use the mud, then use it, but, at the time of meeting, it is necessary to renounce the consciousness of the body. Baba’s dress should also be your dress – your costume; the costumes worn by both you and Baba should be of the same quality.
(61) You should now create a new invention that no one else has seen. Sit in the early morning hours of nectar and think about plans and there will be very good touching. Everything is already fixed – whatever is fixed in the last kalpa has to repeat again, but someone has to become the instrument responsible.
(62) Through the mind, there is the donation of all the powers; through speech, there is the donation of knowledge, and through actions, there is the donation of all virtues. Always, as the day begins, you should first make a plan; “In what way will I give donation today in these three ways?
(63) If you wish to become a special server, then claim this special right of the early morning hours and become special. Those who have recognized the importance of the early morning hours of nectar, the importance of thoughts, the importance of time, and the importance of service – those who understand all aspects of the things that are important – it is such souls who become the special servers.
(64) Everyday, especially in the early morning hours of nectar, you should become the embodiment of the Bestower of Blessings for the world. You should experience the combined form with Baba, the World Benefactor, so that you, the Shaktis, the Bestowers of Blessings, and Shiva, the World Benefactor, are together. Stay in the combined form of the Shiv Shakti, and then, through the thoughts of your mind, and through your attitude, you will be able to spread the fragrance of those vibrations in the world.
(65) You should make a special plan to make the service through the mind more powerful. Together with words, it is service through the mind that will enable the message to reach very far away. Just as nowadays, flying saucers are seen, so too, your angelic form will be visible all around and there will be the sound emerging, “Who are these beings who are circling all around?” People will begin to do research into this. They will have visions of you coming down from up above and they should realize that it is these Brahma Kumars and Kumaris who are giving visions of the angelic form.
(66) The time of the early morning hours of nectar is the time when the pure environment is able to overpower the impure, degraded environment. At that time, it is easy to hear the cries and give benefit. It is easy to receive blessings and to give donation of blessings because, at that time, the very atmosphere helps to change the attitude of mind. In the early morning hours, you souls are also able to experience the special canopy of Baba’s blessings and your stage is that of the donor – you are complete, like the father.
(67) The father, the resident of Brahmlok (the Soul World), gives blessings to the special children in the form of rays of light and might from the Sun of Knowledge. This is the reason why this period is also known as the period of Brahma Murat (nectar time - the moment of pure omens). At the auspicious time, you can make your stage elevated for the whole day. It is at this time that you can make your omens as good as wish.
(68) The early morning hours is also the time when Brahma Baba, the resident of the Subtle Regions, adopts the form of the Fortune-maker Father and he distributes the nectar of fortune. You can receive as much nectar from the Fortune Maker Father as you wish. However, the vessel of your intellect should be powerful and worthy of holding the nectar; there should be no form of obstacle or barrier. It will then be possible for the receiving of blessings and the giving of blessings to take place simultaneously; the role of being the receiver of blessings and the role of being the Bestower of Blessings-both roles are played at the same time.
(69) At the present time, everyone is calling out to be liberated from effort and it is easy achievements that they are seeking. Scientists are tired after having worked so hard, religious souls have become tired because they have done so much contemplation; the politicians are tired because of the numerous political changes, and the ordinary people are tired because of all their everyday problems.
(70) You should display the sparkle and, within a second, you should give others the intoxication of being with an angel. This is the way to give the return to Baba for His love. By becoming the embodiment of solution to the problems of others, your own problems will come to an end automatically. So, you should now become the embodiment of solution.
(71) In the early morning hours, you will be able to hear the sound of the bhagats; you will feel that they are calling you personally.
(72) The sleep of carelessness comes when you forget that it is the time of destruction. If you listen to the call of the bhagats, and to the cries of sorrow of the unhappy souls; if you hear the sound of the prayers of the thirsty souls – you will never feel sleepy.
(2) From the moment you open your eyes the first transformation should be, I am a soul; I am not this body. This is the first thought of the first second when you awaken.
(3) Baba is the magnet and so, automatically, the soul that is, clean is able to very close.
(4) In the early morning hours of nectar, Baba gives blessings. If everyday you continue to take these blessings then weakness can never come.
(5) In the early morning of nectar, you can receive whatever it is that you wish. This is the special time that has been fixed for Brahmins. No matter how important a person may be, he will always keep a special time reserved for his own family.
(6) Each day, in the early morning hours of nectar think of one point of happiness and that happiness will remain with you throughout the day.
(7) It is at the time of the early morning hours that you should see the fortune of the self.
(8) To fulfill the responsibility of love means to achieve all things. If the soul does not know how to fulfill the responsibility of love, then it will also not be able to attain anything.
(9) As soon as you awaken, the first thing you must do is talk to the father with great sweetness. Throughout the day also, you should check yourself from time to time ‘’Am I with the Father?’’
(10) Responsibility is always placed on those who are senior. So place your responsibility on Baba and you will experience yourself to be constantly happy. For 24 hours of the day and night, you will dance like the angels, that is you will be dancing with your mind. To come into body consciousness means human; to be soul conscious means to be an angel.
(11) Why does sleepiness come?
Ans… Lack of churning in the day time. AMRITVELA (Vardani Vela)
(12) To renounce sleep means that you yourself become gold.
(13) How can I increase my enthusiasm for amrit vela meditation? How can I overcome laziness?
Ans … When you sit for yoga, you should go on a tour – sometimes go to the soul world,sometimes to Madhuban, and sometimes to the subtle regions. You can also churn points for service. There should not be the stage of mere silence, but you should go on tour. If there is laziness, then walk around so that you become fresh.
(14) Amrit vela is the time to practice using the divine intellect. Bapdada gives to each child the lift of the divine intellect in the form of a gift. Everyone receives such a gift, but not everyone uses it to the same extent. This gift is very powerful and easily available and by using it, you are able to travel throughout the three worlds; switch on the switch of remembrance and, within a second, you are there.
(15) Why should I make effort to acquire a divine intellect?
Ans… The divine intellect makes it easy for the soul to inculcate Baba’s teachings – there is no need to make effort. But, there must be no influence of impurity. Is even the slightest influence of rajo or tamo (impurity), then, instead of being the embodiment of inculcation, you come under the influence of Maya.
(17) The Godly, divine intellect always provides a canopy of protection, but maya casts her own shadow and then the canopy flies away and the shadow remains. That is why, you should check constantly, Is the gift given by the father always with you?
(18) The gift of the divine intellect is a spiritual aeroplane. By switching on, by using this divine aeroplane, you can reach wherever you choose in a second. The switch is to have a thought. The people of science are able to travel around just this one world, but you are able to travel around the three worlds.
(19) By correcting the divine intellect at amrit vela, the entire day will remain
powerful. If you are not able to correct it yourself, then have it corrected, but it should be corrected at amrit vela.
(20) What is the most effective method to reduce weight? A controlled diet and exercise. Here also, in order to become bodiless, you should exercise your intellect again and again; you should also give your intellect the food of controlled thoughts. You should take precautions so that you do not eat the food of wasteful thoughts. Self - control is needed for this.
(21) During the early morning of nectar, each one imbibes and is able to become the image of inculcation but this happens numberwise according to the individual capacity of the soul.
(22) At the time of the early morning hours of nectar, there are two particular forms that you should adopt; the image of inculcation, and the image of experience. These two forms are importance because it is especially in the early morning hours that Bapdada is the innocent Lord who fills all the treasure stores for the special children.
(23) The meeting in the early morning hours is not an official meeting. Baba is there in the form of the innocent Lord who bestows all treasures. At that time, Bapdada is free to speak to each one to their heart’s content. He isfree to listen to their requests, to erase their weaknesses, and to forgive numerous forms of sin.
(24) So recognize the value of the early morning hours of nectar, recognize that this is the time for easy attainment. Take full benefit from this time. Fill your apron with all rewards from the treasure store that is open in the early morning hours. Take whatever fortune you choose from the bestower of blessings and Bestower of fortune. In the early morning hours Baba is ready to draw for you the lines of destiny.
(25) As soon as it is the early morning hours of nectar, as soon as your eyes open, in a second take a jump and sit down with Baba. Then, because of the companionship, you will experience that all of Baba’s treasures are your treasures. Baba in the form of a friend, is now offering you the throne of all rights.
(26) If there is still attachment, or any kind of pull from anyone, then this proves that you are not experiencing all relationships and all achievements from Baba.
(27) Some children are so innocent that they are unable to discriminate between the achievement of Baba and the achievement of Maya. They are sleepy, and they consider that there was a very peaceful stage – the seed stage; they receive limited rest through sleep and they consider this to be supersensuous-joy.
(28) Throughout the day, you should continue to churn, you should play with the jewels of knowledge and then, in the early morning, by remembering these things of happiness, sleep will disappear and you will experience great happiness.
(29) When you sit for early morning meditation, you should become either a point of light or an angel. However, what tends to happen is that you just look at Baba and you do not change your own form; you try to see Baba as a point of light or as an angel but, without becoming equal to Baba in your stage, you are unable to experience the meeting with Him.
(30) If there has not been relationship, co-operation, or love for Bapdada over a period of time, then, at that moment, you will not be able to make the connection.
(31) What is the reason for there being this break in the connection? The main reason is that the account the soul created in thoughts, words, actions and connections throughout the previous day, has not been kept clearly in front of Baba – the soul has not emptied itself. If you keep both the good and bad news clearly in front of the One who has made you His instrument, then the burden will be removed; the intellect will become empty and karmic account of life will become clear.
(32) Each night, the children do not become light by keeping in front of Baba everything that has been done. For every good action, Baba will reserve for you one hundred fold. If there has been any waste, then by speaking of it, the burden will be removed from the self, and Baba will save the soul from building up a stock of waste for the future.
(33) What is that makes a heart-to-heart conversation enjoyable? It is when the conversation is between equals-loving companions. Baba is Avyakt(subtle) – He is double-light; so, if the one seeking to converse with Him is in gross consciousness, if their intellect is heavy and burdened, then how will it be possible for a heart-to-heart conversation to take place?
(34) Before going to bed, exchange the news of the entire day with your companion, or with the Father. By giving to Baba the news of the entire day, you will become light. Just as when you go to bed, the dress that you put on will be very light, so too, you should also be very light in your intellect-this is your light dress. You should go to bed with Baba wearing such a dress. Do not sleep alone. If you are alone then, Maya will take a chance. You should remain constantly in Baba’s company.
(35) When you go sleep at night, you should finish off any old accounts that are
remaining with the fire of yoga and with a powerful state of consciousness. You should settle these old accounts. If a businessman does not settle his accounts, then he goes into debt. The debt is known as the disease. In the same way, you should settle the account of actions, the account of thoughts, and the account of everything that has happened in the day. Do not keep anything for the next day in the form of debt, otherwise, this debt or-disease – you will make the intellect weak.
(36) Each day, you should settle your accounts, and then you can begin the new day. Let there be a new consciousness each day. By keeping your account of thoughts and actions very clear in this way, you will be able to become complete and you will be the image of success. If you are not able to settle your own accounts, then how will you be able to inspire others to finish their bondages and settle their accounts?
(37) It is the souls with honesty and cleanliness who are loved by God, loved by the people, and who are also loved by themselves. Everyone likes honesty and cleanliness.
(38) If you remember one title in the early morning hours and you keep churning this title, then, with this power of churning, the intellect will remain powerful. A powerful intellect cannot be invaded by Maya; it cannot be influenced or overpowered by anyone.
(39) Every day, in the early morning hours, this tilak of the three types of consciousness (the consciousness of the self, the consciousness of the father, the consciousness of the knowledge of drama) - this trident – should be checked. Then, throughout the day, Maya will not have the courage to erase your tilak. To have the three types of consciousness means to be the embodiment of an all – powerful consciousness. This is the tilak of power. In front of this powerful consciousness, Maya, in the form of waste thoughts, will end. The five forms of Maya will come before you as five servants – you will see then transformed.
(40) Fluctuation and tension in one’s life can be avoided if soul consciousness is practiced at amrit vela and attention is then paid throughout the rest of the day.
(41) In the early morning hours you should set your daily routine. If there is a programme that is not prepared in the right way, then it will not be successful.
Here, in the same way, if you do not set your daily routine in the early morning hours, then you will not be able to become the embodiment of success.
42) It should not be that you simply remember that knowledge of the soul, in addition, there should be the consciousness of being a soul, “ I am a soul, and the person next to me is also a soul” – this consciousness is the principal foundation of the code of disciplines. It is through this practice that the soul becomes free from obstacles and, with this elevated, powerful remembrance, you will become the instrument to spread powerful vibrations. Through this, others will also become free from obstacles.
(43) What is the yukti ( the method ) to achieve the state of being a natural yogi?
Ans — You should understand the importance of early morning hours of nectar. If a powerful stage is created in the early morning, this will then help you throughout the rest of the day; the life of that day will be filled with greatness. By filling yourself with power in advance, no matter how difficult a task may be, it will not seem to be difficult – it will seem to be easy. To miss the early morning hours is to neglect the importance of the special benefit that can be received at the confluence age. Continue to follow the Brahmin code of conduct and you will become an example in front of the world.
(44) It is at this time you receive the greatest injection of all. If you have linked your connection with Baba in the early morning hours of nectar, you will then remain safe from the unconsciousness of Maya throughout the whole day.
(45) The beginning of time for the whole day is the early morning hours, and if you renounce this beginning period and only awaken after sometime has passed- if you sit down and link your connection several hours later – then, according to the number of hours you are late here, you will be late there, this is because amrit vela is the special appointment time that Bapdada has given for meeting the children and it is the children who are given the first chance to meet Bapdada; later on, it is the time for the bhagats. So if you link your connection at the time that has been set aside for the bhagats, then you will not receive the blessings that would be given to a child.
(46) If you do not first of all make a plan in the early morning hours of nectar of what you are going to do. Then how will you be able to achieve what you seek in a practical form? Even lokik work is successful only when a proper plan has been made; without a proper plan, there can not be success.
(47) You have been told clearly of the effort that still remains. If you correct the early morning hours of nectar, then everything else will be corrected automatically. Just as it is said that by drinking nectar, the soul becomes immortal, so too, by successfully using the early morning hours of nectar, you can receive the blessings of the immortal state for the whole day.
(48) Awaken early, early in the morning and stay in the consciousness of your own angelic form and you will dance in happiness – no matter what situation may come to disturb you, your happiness will finish this off.
(49) During the early morning hours of nectar, apply to yourself the tilak of the Master Almighty Authority, the dot of sovereignty. If, throughout the entire day, you always keep this tilak with you, then Maya will not threaten you. The tilak is the sign of your victory. It is in the early morning hours of nectar that you receive blessings and, according to how much importance you give to the early morning hours of nectar, so you will become great.
(50) Let there be determination, hope and enthusiasm at amrit vela to say goodbye to all weaknesses.
(51) Each day, in the early morning hours of nectar, refresh yourself, remind yourself of these essential tasks and you will then receive the power of this throughout the day. If carelessness still comes, then punish yourself – separate yourself from that which you love the most, the task that you most enjoy. There will be repentance. If you repent now, then you will not have to repent later on.
(52) Each day, in the early morning hours, revise your praise. Baba’s task and your task; make this an essential discipline. Carelessness comes when you consider something to be only a direction and you have not yet made it into a personal discipline.
(53) The main subject of study is that you should make your stage as subtle as possible. Just as you know how to go into extension, so too, for the subtle stage, you need to practice so that you are able to pack up and merge the extension whenever you wish. Go into the extension of knowledge, but then merge that extension and become the embodiment of knowledge – become a seed. You should practice this because, by going into extension, a great deal of time is wasted and thoughts are also wasted. To help you in this, set yourself a time table. Just as you have a time table for physical activities, so too, from the time of early morning hours of nectar, you should set yourself a time table for the upliftment of the soul. By working according to a time table, you will be able to accomplish numerous tasks in a single day.
(54) In order to keep your intellect busy, you should set a time table for yourself. From the early morning hours, you should keep a point in your consciousness. Set a time table; become teacher of the self and set yourself homework. Be the observer of the self – “Am I busy in doing my homework? There will then, no longer be the complaint that there are wasteful thoughts.
(55) During the early morning hours of nectar, there is the power to experience the meeting, the power to accept and to imbibe, and the power to catch the pure thoughts of special inspiration from Baba each day; these powers are most essential. During the early morning hours of nectar, each one imbibes and is able to become the image of inculcation but this happens numberwise according to the individual capacity of the soul.
(56) Be particularly alert at amrit vela and have the thought of asking Baba for advice. If you sit in remembrance in this way, you will see that you do receive a reply. As yet, you have not experienced this. Just as you would run straightaway to Sakar Baba, so too, in the same way, bring avyakt Bapdada close to yourself. You will then have the same experience as you had when Baba was in Sakar form.
(57) If any child remembers Baba with love, then the thought will reach Baba; but the time takes for this to happen will be determined by the degree to which the soul has become viceless. A thought arises, and then the greater the power of being viceless, the faster the message reaches Bapdada. Bapdada, at that moment gives a reply to all matters as immediate fruit.
(58) Always remember: “whatever belongs to Baba, also belongs to me. My Baba, my service – Baba’s task is my task. Baba’s virtues are my virtues; Baba’s sanskars, virtues and elevated actions are mine also.” In this way, you become the Master of Baba’s property. “Whatever belongs to Baba, belongs to me,” there will then be great happiness and confusion will not come in your mind.
(59) Try to keep the problem just between you and Baba. Baba will give you guidance if you meet Him in the subtle Regions, but to experience this meeting you must adopt your own subtle form – a form that is equal to Baba – and you must go completely beyond the influence of body consciousness.
(60) The meeting becomes impossible because you want to bring mud with yourself – this body is the mud. Yes, when you want to use the mud, then use it, but, at the time of meeting, it is necessary to renounce the consciousness of the body. Baba’s dress should also be your dress – your costume; the costumes worn by both you and Baba should be of the same quality.
(61) You should now create a new invention that no one else has seen. Sit in the early morning hours of nectar and think about plans and there will be very good touching. Everything is already fixed – whatever is fixed in the last kalpa has to repeat again, but someone has to become the instrument responsible.
(62) Through the mind, there is the donation of all the powers; through speech, there is the donation of knowledge, and through actions, there is the donation of all virtues. Always, as the day begins, you should first make a plan; “In what way will I give donation today in these three ways?
(63) If you wish to become a special server, then claim this special right of the early morning hours and become special. Those who have recognized the importance of the early morning hours of nectar, the importance of thoughts, the importance of time, and the importance of service – those who understand all aspects of the things that are important – it is such souls who become the special servers.
(64) Everyday, especially in the early morning hours of nectar, you should become the embodiment of the Bestower of Blessings for the world. You should experience the combined form with Baba, the World Benefactor, so that you, the Shaktis, the Bestowers of Blessings, and Shiva, the World Benefactor, are together. Stay in the combined form of the Shiv Shakti, and then, through the thoughts of your mind, and through your attitude, you will be able to spread the fragrance of those vibrations in the world.
(65) You should make a special plan to make the service through the mind more powerful. Together with words, it is service through the mind that will enable the message to reach very far away. Just as nowadays, flying saucers are seen, so too, your angelic form will be visible all around and there will be the sound emerging, “Who are these beings who are circling all around?” People will begin to do research into this. They will have visions of you coming down from up above and they should realize that it is these Brahma Kumars and Kumaris who are giving visions of the angelic form.
(66) The time of the early morning hours of nectar is the time when the pure environment is able to overpower the impure, degraded environment. At that time, it is easy to hear the cries and give benefit. It is easy to receive blessings and to give donation of blessings because, at that time, the very atmosphere helps to change the attitude of mind. In the early morning hours, you souls are also able to experience the special canopy of Baba’s blessings and your stage is that of the donor – you are complete, like the father.
(67) The father, the resident of Brahmlok (the Soul World), gives blessings to the special children in the form of rays of light and might from the Sun of Knowledge. This is the reason why this period is also known as the period of Brahma Murat (nectar time - the moment of pure omens). At the auspicious time, you can make your stage elevated for the whole day. It is at this time that you can make your omens as good as wish.
(68) The early morning hours is also the time when Brahma Baba, the resident of the Subtle Regions, adopts the form of the Fortune-maker Father and he distributes the nectar of fortune. You can receive as much nectar from the Fortune Maker Father as you wish. However, the vessel of your intellect should be powerful and worthy of holding the nectar; there should be no form of obstacle or barrier. It will then be possible for the receiving of blessings and the giving of blessings to take place simultaneously; the role of being the receiver of blessings and the role of being the Bestower of Blessings-both roles are played at the same time.
(69) At the present time, everyone is calling out to be liberated from effort and it is easy achievements that they are seeking. Scientists are tired after having worked so hard, religious souls have become tired because they have done so much contemplation; the politicians are tired because of the numerous political changes, and the ordinary people are tired because of all their everyday problems.
(70) You should display the sparkle and, within a second, you should give others the intoxication of being with an angel. This is the way to give the return to Baba for His love. By becoming the embodiment of solution to the problems of others, your own problems will come to an end automatically. So, you should now become the embodiment of solution.
(71) In the early morning hours, you will be able to hear the sound of the bhagats; you will feel that they are calling you personally.
(72) The sleep of carelessness comes when you forget that it is the time of destruction. If you listen to the call of the bhagats, and to the cries of sorrow of the unhappy souls; if you hear the sound of the prayers of the thirsty souls – you will never feel sleepy.
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