Daily Positive Thoughts: January 15, 2015: The Anxiety Drain
East Bellmouth Spillway Shaft, Ladybower Reservoir, Derwent, UK
The Anxiety Drain
Anxiety drains energy.
Stop the drain by becoming aware of your anxiety.
Visualize your anxiety moving away from you, until it disappears into nothingness. When you dis-identify from the anxiety, you create space for calm.
Calmness restores peace of mind, vitality and energy.
Calmness restores peace of mind, vitality and energy.
Plug the anxiety drain, and not only do you feel better but you free up your energy to be used for better things.
Be an Observer
The practice of silently watching life from the vantage point of being
an observer enables us to more clearly understand events and other
people's inner concerns and qualities. We become slower to judge and
better able to respond openly and thoughtfully, free from any influence
of the situation itself and from subtle pull of our own or another's
an observer enables us to more clearly understand events and other
people's inner concerns and qualities. We become slower to judge and
better able to respond openly and thoughtfully, free from any influence
of the situation itself and from subtle pull of our own or another's
Experiencing Spiritual Growth Through Group Interactions (cont.)
As explained in yesterday's message, if you are living in isolation you don't become aware of the dimensions of your ego and, therefore, you cannot overcome it. Also, the beauty of group interactions or being a part of a spiritual community or any other group, is that in groups, various powers like the power to:
* adapt and mould oneself with people of different personality traits and as different situations in the group demand;
* tolerate;
* face negative situations in interactions;
* forgive and forget;
* become a detached observer of situations and people's actions, not to get over involved, in order to maintain one's stability and calmness;
* co-operate;
* communicate;
* see and absorb only specialties of each one (inspite of obvious weaknesses being visible) and spreading the specialties (not weaknesses) to the others in the group, by way of praising and not criticizing them;
* listen, understand and empathize;
* discriminate and judge different situations and people;
* go into inner silence, whenever required, amidst the actions and interactions of group activity;
* show respect to each one and remain in self-respect;
* remain content or satisfied and make the others content; etc.
are absolutely necessary to experience success in the groups, either within the relationships with others or even with the self. There is a difference between experiencing success with the self while staying alone and within a group. By bringing the above powers into practice in a group, they increase further inside us. This does not happen in isolation, or if it does, then the extent is quite limited. So basically, being a part of a group, brings about greater spiritual growth and empowerment.
Soul Sustenance
Karmas In Spiritual Consciousness (Part 2)
Vikarmas or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. Sukarmas or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below are some more differences between the two (we had explained a few yesterday):
Body Consciousness: Relationships become bondages (burdens) and causes of sorrow rather than enjoyment.
Spiritual Consciousness: Relationships with others are purified and elevated. There is no sense of bondage.
Body Consciousness: Conflicts, which can be called clashes of sanskaras, occur between souls. There is negativity, sensitivity and disunity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Souls are able to harmonize with each other with happiness and peace.
Body Consciousness: Actions are performed to attract or impress others by the physical identity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions are performed to bring others also into relationship with the Supreme Soul.
Body Consciousness: Charity performed for others has the shadow of ego and has limited results.
Spiritual Consciousness: The highest charity of introducing other souls to the Supreme Soul is performed selflessly through thoughts, words and actions.
Vikarmas or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. Sukarmas or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below are some more differences between the two (we had explained a few yesterday):
Body Consciousness: Relationships become bondages (burdens) and causes of sorrow rather than enjoyment.
Spiritual Consciousness: Relationships with others are purified and elevated. There is no sense of bondage.
Body Consciousness: Conflicts, which can be called clashes of sanskaras, occur between souls. There is negativity, sensitivity and disunity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Souls are able to harmonize with each other with happiness and peace.
Body Consciousness: Actions are performed to attract or impress others by the physical identity.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions are performed to bring others also into relationship with the Supreme Soul.
Body Consciousness: Charity performed for others has the shadow of ego and has limited results.
Spiritual Consciousness: The highest charity of introducing other souls to the Supreme Soul is performed selflessly through thoughts, words and actions.
Message for the day
Courage brings success.
Expression: Even after repeated trials and failures, when one does not lose courage, there is the ability to go on trying till success is achieved. Courage comes with the understanding that there is surely a way out. So a lot more effort is put in to find the right way. Success, which had been eluding for a long time will be finally attained.
Experience: When I have courage, I have hope. I will not give up the task mid way, but will put in continued effort. Because of this there is no difficulty experienced even whilst putting in extra effort but I do everything with enthusiasm and happiness. So nothing seems difficult and I easily move towards success.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
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