Daily Positive Thoughts: January 21, 2015: Feeling Great

Feeling Great
Feeling great is about putting our life in order, rather than having a good time or feeling good at any cost; it is about bringing our inner world into harmony, developing the maturity to align our inner world of thoughts, attitudes and feelings with our outer world of actions, words and relationships. If there is confusion inside, there will be confusion outside.
There is happiness when each moment is used in a worthwhile way.
Happiness is such nourishment that it can transform a person from weak
into powerful. It makes difficult things easy and heavy things light.
To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of
charity. No matter what happens, my happiness should not be lost.
Happiness is such nourishment that it can transform a person from weak
into powerful. It makes difficult things easy and heavy things light.
To remain happy and share happiness with others is a great act of
charity. No matter what happens, my happiness should not be lost.
The Method Of Realizing Your Purpose (cont.)
A question that can help you to find the purpose for your self is: when you feel absolutely on top of the world, very much content and full of enthusiasm, what is there in you? Who are you at that moment? What is the energy inside you at that time? What do you give to your surroundings and to others? This stage is something that you want to reach all the time and keep with you. Ask yourself that question. Visualize that moment, which at some time in life you must have experienced. If not, visualize what you would like to experience.
Second question to find your purpose related to the world: What is it that you want to radiate to others? What is it that you want to give? That is, what do you want to devote yourself to? This isn't limited to your job or a hobby or a sport for e.g., but rather applies to what you offer and radiate in the whole day, in relationships, with people through your thoughts, words and actions - in the family, at work, in the market, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.
To carry out this inner inquiry (in both the cases above) you need to go to its deepest part. What is your purpose? Not your purpose for this weekend you want to go for the club meeting or not, or that in the holidays you want to visit a hill station; all these are short term purposes. Your life purpose refers to what it is that you really want to reach. If you clarify it, it will help you to make decisions with clarity and determination in your life.
Second question to find your purpose related to the world: What is it that you want to radiate to others? What is it that you want to give? That is, what do you want to devote yourself to? This isn't limited to your job or a hobby or a sport for e.g., but rather applies to what you offer and radiate in the whole day, in relationships, with people through your thoughts, words and actions - in the family, at work, in the market, friends, acquaintances and even strangers.
To carry out this inner inquiry (in both the cases above) you need to go to its deepest part. What is your purpose? Not your purpose for this weekend you want to go for the club meeting or not, or that in the holidays you want to visit a hill station; all these are short term purposes. Your life purpose refers to what it is that you really want to reach. If you clarify it, it will help you to make decisions with clarity and determination in your life.
Soul Sustenance
Important Understandings on Reincarnation (Part 3)
6. The world's population is increasing at such a rapid rate, indicating that the souls already here are taking rebirth and also that there are new ones coming down continuously from the soul world.
7. If one believed that one will receive the fruit of one's actions, if not in this birth, but in another one, a person would surely feel less inclined to perform negative actions.
8. Without reincarnation, it is impossible to explain how every soul has reached its present peaceless state. Thousands of sins have been performed by each soul in its past births under the influence of the five vices – lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment. Due to this, sanskars of those vices have accumulated over the soul. The burden of these sanskars weighs heavily on the soul and causes it unhappiness in the present. The present cycle of birth and rebirth is fast approaching its end. It is precisely at this time that the Supreme Soul can relieve us from this burden.
6. The world's population is increasing at such a rapid rate, indicating that the souls already here are taking rebirth and also that there are new ones coming down continuously from the soul world.
7. If one believed that one will receive the fruit of one's actions, if not in this birth, but in another one, a person would surely feel less inclined to perform negative actions.
8. Without reincarnation, it is impossible to explain how every soul has reached its present peaceless state. Thousands of sins have been performed by each soul in its past births under the influence of the five vices – lust, anger, greed, ego and attachment. Due to this, sanskars of those vices have accumulated over the soul. The burden of these sanskars weighs heavily on the soul and causes it unhappiness in the present. The present cycle of birth and rebirth is fast approaching its end. It is precisely at this time that the Supreme Soul can relieve us from this burden.
Message for the day
The way to bring about a change is to have the desire to change.
Expression: When there are excuses given not to bring about change, then nothing can ever be changed. There is always blame on others and situations and there is no desire to change. Instead if there is the readiness to take up the responsibility of bringing about a change, there is initiative and commitment. Accordingly, effort is put in and there is success in the desired change.
Experience: Instead of bringing about change as required, if I continue to blame others, I will continue to try to escape from that situation. But if I do so, I find that the same difficulty will occur either with someone else or in some other situation. The easiest thing for me is to change myself. When I have the desire to do so, I find it easily happening and I find help coming from outside also.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
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