Daily Positive Thoughts: January 14, 2015: Harmony in Relationships
Varanasi, India, the Luminous City
Harmony in Relationships
Speak always with a conscious control and only what is necessary and helpful.
Purity of spirit is a beautiful state of being. It comes when we are
willing to open our soul completely to the pure energy of God and let
all the vestiges of negativity with us be gradually washed away. As
purity increases, thoughts become simpler, fewer and infused with love
and compassion for everyone we meet. Pure thoughts have remarkable
power. Plans made in such a state of benevolence are blessed with
willing to open our soul completely to the pure energy of God and let
all the vestiges of negativity with us be gradually washed away. As
purity increases, thoughts become simpler, fewer and infused with love
and compassion for everyone we meet. Pure thoughts have remarkable
power. Plans made in such a state of benevolence are blessed with
Experiencing Spiritual Growth Through Group Interactions
Anyone who is inclined towards growing spiritually will sooner or later feel the need to taking up a particular spiritual path, which provides him/her with an assigned code of leading a spiritual life and helps him/her to incorporate it in his/her life. This also means becoming a part of a spiritual group or gathering or community and participating in spiritual study, practice like meditation or prayer and perform service along with the group. But, on the other hand, there are also many spiritually motivated people who are not very interested in groups and communities and keep a distance from them. They are of the opinion that it is easier to work it out alone by collecting information from other alternate sources by books, the internet, the television, videos, etc. and progress spiritually. But the relationship between spiritual growth and being a part of or participating in a group is clear.
For the isolated and solitary person, growth is limited, since the personality is not activated to the same extent as when it interacts with others. In relationships and in living together, the various forms of hidden ego and the different shades of the personality, positive as well as negative, are stimulated, creating the possibility of being more aware and conscious about them, bringing about greater growth and spiritual development. After all, one of the main objectives of spiritual development is achieving victory over the ego and becoming soul conscious, getting rid of the negative shades of the personality and further enhancing the positive traits and skills, so that they can be used for benefiting the self and others.
Tomorrow we shall explain the various powers that are required to experience success in groups, which as a result, get enhanced in group activities and interactions.
Soul Sustenance
Karmas In Spiritual Consciousness (Part 1)
The soul creates its destiny according to the karmas or actions it performs. Vikarmas or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. Sukarmas or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below is a list of differences between the two:
Body Consciousness: The soul is influenced by any of the vices; principally anger, greed, ego, lust or attachment.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul brings its original qualities of peace, power, purity, love and bliss into action.
Body Consciousness: The soul is unable to settle its past karmic accounts and so karmic debts accumulate.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul balances out its karmic debt and actually begins to accumulate or store credit.
Body Consciousness: Actions cause sorrow and loss for the self and others in contact.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions fill the self and others with happiness and peace.
(To be continued tomorrow ….)
The soul creates its destiny according to the karmas or actions it performs. Vikarmas or negative actions are those actions performed in body-consciousness. Sukarmas or positive actions are those actions performed in soul and Supreme Soul-consciousness. Given below is a list of differences between the two:
Body Consciousness: The soul is influenced by any of the vices; principally anger, greed, ego, lust or attachment.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul brings its original qualities of peace, power, purity, love and bliss into action.
Body Consciousness: The soul is unable to settle its past karmic accounts and so karmic debts accumulate.
Spiritual Consciousness: The soul balances out its karmic debt and actually begins to accumulate or store credit.
Body Consciousness: Actions cause sorrow and loss for the self and others in contact.
Spiritual Consciousness: Actions fill the self and others with happiness and peace.
(To be continued tomorrow ….)
Message for the day
True effort lies in maintaining inner self-respect.
Expression: When there is no self-respect it becomes difficult to recognise and use one's own potentials. So whatever little effort is put is only to show off to others and to seek their approval. So this further increases such dependency on others. Slowly all effort put in is only to prove to others and hardly any effort is put in for the self. So such effort doesn't contribute to real progress.
Experience: When there is an awareness of my inner potentials and capabilities, and I am in my state of self-respect, I am able to use them for my own progress. As there is the satisfaction of my progress, there is no dependency on the others for approval or encouragement. I can make effort with my inner freedom. There is lightness and enjoyment in whatever I set out to do, and I find quick and easy change.
In Spiritual Service,
Brahma Kumaris
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